You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

client.conf 439B

  1. # Client
  2. client
  3. dev ${dev}
  4. proto tcp-client
  5. remote ${hostname} ${port}
  6. resolv-retry infinite
  7. cipher AES-256-CBC
  8. lladdr ${mac}
  9. #ifconfig-noexec
  10. up ${client}-${name}
  11. down ${client}-${name}
  12. # Keys
  13. ca ${client}-${name}-ca.crt
  14. cert ${client}-${name}-${client}.crt
  15. key ${client}-${name}-${client}.key
  16. tls-auth ${client}-${name}-ta.key 1
  17. key-direction 1
  18. # Security
  19. nobind
  20. persist-key
  21. persist-tun
  22. comp-lzo
  23. verb 3
  24. script-security 2