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  1. QT += network
  2. QT -= gui
  3. include(../commons.pri)
  4. TARGET = ptsocket
  5. TEMPLATE = lib
  7. SOURCES += ptsocket.cpp ptserver.cpp broadcast.cpp
  8. HEADERS += ptsocket.h libptsocket_global.h ptserver.h broadcast.h
  9. unix:!symbian {
  10. maemo5 {
  11. target.path = /opt/usr/lib
  12. } else {
  13. target.path = /usr/lib
  14. headers.path = /usr/include/ptsocket
  15. headers.files = $$HEADERS
  16. INSTALLS += headers
  17. }
  18. INSTALLS += target
  19. }
  20. VERSION = 1.5.0