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  1. #include <linux/unistd.h>
  2. .section ".text"
  3. .code32
  4. .globl _linux_start
  5. .type _linux_start, @function
  6. _linux_start:
  7. xorl %ebp, %ebp
  8. popl %esi // save argc
  9. movl %esp, %edi // save argv
  10. andl $~15, %esp // 16-byte align the stack
  11. pushl %edi // argv -> C arg2
  12. pushl %esi // argc -> C arg1
  13. call save_args
  14. /* Our main doesn't use any arguments */
  15. call main
  16. movl %eax, %ebx // rc -> syscall arg1
  17. movl $__NR_exit, %eax
  18. int $0x80
  19. .size _linux_start, . - _linux_start