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compiler.h 8.3KB

  1. #ifndef COMPILER_H
  2. #define COMPILER_H
  3. /*
  4. * Doxygen can't cope with some of the more esoteric areas of C, so we
  5. * make its life simpler.
  6. *
  7. */
  8. #ifdef DOXYGEN
  9. #define __attribute__(x)
  10. #endif
  11. /** @file
  12. *
  13. * Global compiler definitions.
  14. *
  15. * This file is implicitly included by every @c .c file in Etherboot.
  16. * It defines global macros such as DBG().
  17. *
  18. * We arrange for each object to export the symbol @c obj_OBJECT
  19. * (where @c OBJECT is the object name, e.g. @c rtl8139) as a global
  20. * symbol, so that the linker can drag in selected object files from
  21. * the library using <tt> -u obj_OBJECT </tt>.
  22. *
  23. */
  24. /* Not quite sure why cpp requires two levels of macro call in order
  25. * to actually expand OBJECT...
  26. */
  27. #undef _H1
  28. #define _H1( x, y ) x ## y
  29. #undef _H2
  30. #define _H2( x, y ) _H1 ( x, y )
  31. #define PREFIX_OBJECT(prefix) _H2 ( prefix, OBJECT )
  33. #undef _STR
  34. #define _STR(s) #s
  35. #undef _XSTR
  36. #define _XSTR(s) _STR(s)
  38. #ifdef ASSEMBLY
  39. .globl OBJECT_SYMBOL
  40. .equ OBJECT_SYMBOL, 0
  41. #else /* ASSEMBLY */
  42. __asm__ ( ".globl\t" OBJECT_SYMBOL_STR );
  43. __asm__ ( ".equ\t" OBJECT_SYMBOL_STR ", 0" );
  44. /**
  45. * Drag in an object by object name.
  46. *
  47. * Macro to allow objects to explicitly drag in other objects by
  48. * object name. Used by config.c.
  49. *
  50. */
  51. #define REQUIRE_OBJECT(object) \
  52. __asm__ ( ".equ\tneed_" #object ", obj_" #object );
  53. /** @def DBG
  54. *
  55. * Print a debugging message.
  56. *
  57. * The debug level is set at build time by specifying the @c DEBUG=
  58. * parameter on the @c make command line. For example, to enable
  59. * debugging for the PCI bus functions (in pci.c) in a @c .dsk image
  60. * for the @c rtl8139 card, you could use the command line
  61. *
  62. * @code
  63. *
  64. * make bin/rtl8139.dsk DEBUG=pci
  65. *
  66. * @endcode
  67. *
  68. * This will enable the debugging statements (DBG()) in pci.c. If
  69. * debugging is not enabled, DBG() statements will be ignored.
  70. *
  71. * You can enable debugging in several objects simultaneously by
  72. * separating them with commas, as in
  73. *
  74. * @code
  75. *
  76. * make bin/rtl8139.dsk DEBUG=pci,buffer,heap
  77. *
  78. * @endcode
  79. *
  80. * You can increase the debugging level for an object by specifying it
  81. * with @c :N, where @c N is the level, as in
  82. *
  83. * @code
  84. *
  85. * make bin/rtl8139.dsk DEBUG=pci,buffer:2,heap
  86. *
  87. * @endcode
  88. *
  89. * which would enable debugging for the PCI, buffer-handling and
  90. * heap-allocation code, with the buffer-handling code at level 2.
  91. *
  92. */
  93. /*
  94. * If debug_OBJECT is set to a true value, the macro DBG(...) will
  95. * expand to printf(...) when compiling OBJECT, and the symbol
  96. * DEBUG_LEVEL will be inserted into the object file.
  97. *
  98. */
  99. #define DEBUG_SYMBOL PREFIX_OBJECT(debug_)
  100. #if DEBUG_SYMBOL
  102. __asm__ ( ".equ\tDBGLVL, " DEBUG_SYMBOL_STR );
  103. #endif
  104. /** printf() for debugging
  105. *
  106. * This function exists so that the DBG() macros can expand to
  107. * printf() calls without dragging the printf() prototype into scope.
  108. *
  109. * As far as the compiler is concerned, dbg_printf() and printf() are
  110. * completely unrelated calls; it's only at the assembly stage that
  111. * references to the dbg_printf symbol are collapsed into references
  112. * to the printf symbol.
  113. */
  114. extern int __attribute__ (( format ( printf, 1, 2 ) ))
  115. dbg_printf ( const char *fmt, ... ) asm ( "printf" );
  116. extern void dbg_autocolourise ( unsigned long id );
  117. extern void dbg_decolourise ( void );
  118. extern void dbg_hex_dump_da ( unsigned long dispaddr,
  119. const void *data, unsigned long len );
  120. /* Compatibility with existing Makefile */
  121. #if DEBUG_SYMBOL
  122. #define DBGLVL DEBUG_SYMBOL
  123. #else
  124. #define DBGLVL 0
  125. #endif
  126. #define DBGLVL_LOG 1
  127. #define DBG_LOG ( DBGLVL & DBGLVL_LOG )
  128. #define DBGLVL_EXTRA 2
  129. #define DBG_EXTRA ( DBGLVL & DBGLVL_EXTRA )
  130. #define DBGLVL_PROFILE 4
  132. /**
  133. * Print debugging message if we are at a certain debug level
  134. *
  135. * @v level Debug level
  136. * @v ... printf() argument list
  137. */
  138. #define DBG_IF( level, ... ) do { \
  139. if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
  140. dbg_printf ( __VA_ARGS__ ); \
  141. } \
  142. } while ( 0 )
  143. /**
  144. * Print a hex dump if we are at a certain debug level
  145. *
  146. * @v level Debug level
  147. * @v dispaddr Display address
  148. * @v data Data to print
  149. * @v len Length of data
  150. */
  151. #define DBG_HDA_IF( level, dispaddr, data, len ) do { \
  152. if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
  153. union { \
  154. unsigned long ul; \
  155. typeof ( dispaddr ) raw; \
  156. } da; \
  157. da.raw = dispaddr; \
  158. dbg_hex_dump_da ( da.ul, data, len ); \
  159. } \
  160. } while ( 0 )
  161. /**
  162. * Print a hex dump if we are at a certain debug level
  163. *
  164. * @v level Debug level
  165. * @v data Data to print
  166. * @v len Length of data
  167. */
  168. #define DBG_HD_IF( level, data, len ) do { \
  169. DBG_HDA_IF ( level, data, data, len ); \
  170. } while ( 0 )
  171. /**
  172. * Select colour for debug messages if we are at a certain debug level
  173. *
  174. * @v level Debug level
  175. * @v id Message stream ID
  176. */
  177. #define DBG_AC_IF( level, id ) do { \
  178. if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
  179. union { \
  180. unsigned long ul; \
  181. typeof ( id ) raw; \
  182. } dbg_stream; \
  183. dbg_stream.raw = id; \
  184. dbg_autocolourise ( dbg_stream.ul ); \
  185. } \
  186. } while ( 0 )
  187. /**
  188. * Revert colour for debug messages if we are at a certain debug level
  189. *
  190. * @v level Debug level
  191. */
  192. #define DBG_DC_IF( level ) do { \
  193. if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
  194. dbg_decolourise(); \
  195. } \
  196. } while ( 0 )
  197. /* Autocolourising versions of the DBGxxx_IF() macros */
  198. #define DBGC_IF( level, id, ... ) do { \
  199. DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
  200. DBG_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
  201. DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
  202. } while ( 0 )
  203. #define DBGC_HDA_IF( level, id, ... ) do { \
  204. DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
  205. DBG_HDA_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
  206. DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
  207. } while ( 0 )
  208. #define DBGC_HD_IF( level, id, ... ) do { \
  209. DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
  210. DBG_HD_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
  211. DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
  212. } while ( 0 )
  213. /* Versions of the DBGxxx_IF() macros that imply DBGxxx_IF( LOG, ... )*/
  214. #define DBG( ... ) DBG_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  215. #define DBG_HDA( ... ) DBG_HDA_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  216. #define DBG_HD( ... ) DBG_HD_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  217. #define DBGC( ... ) DBGC_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  218. #define DBGC_HDA( ... ) DBGC_HDA_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  219. #define DBGC_HD( ... ) DBGC_HD_IF ( LOG, __VA_ARGS__ )
  220. /* Versions of the DBGxxx_IF() macros that imply DBGxxx_IF( EXTRA, ... )*/
  221. #define DBG2( ... ) DBG_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  222. #define DBG2_HDA( ... ) DBG_HDA_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  223. #define DBG2_HD( ... ) DBG_HD_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  224. #define DBGC2( ... ) DBGC_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  225. #define DBGC2_HDA( ... ) DBGC_HDA_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  226. #define DBGC2_HD( ... ) DBGC_HD_IF ( EXTRA, __VA_ARGS__ )
  227. /* Versions of the DBGxxx_IF() macros that imply DBGxxx_IF( PROFILE, ... )*/
  228. #define DBGP( ... ) DBG_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  229. #define DBGP_HDA( ... ) DBG_HDA_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  230. #define DBGP_HD( ... ) DBG_HD_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  231. #define DBGCP( ... ) DBGC_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  232. #define DBGCP_HDA( ... ) DBGC_HDA_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  233. #define DBGCP_HD( ... ) DBGC_HD_IF ( PROFILE, __VA_ARGS__ )
  234. #if DEBUG_SYMBOL == 0
  235. #define NDEBUG
  236. #endif
  237. /** Select file identifier for errno.h (if used) */
  239. /** Declare a data structure as packed. */
  240. #define PACKED __attribute__ (( packed ))
  241. /** Declare a variable or data structure as unused. */
  242. #define __unused __attribute__ (( unused ))
  243. /** Apply standard C calling conventions */
  244. #define __cdecl __attribute__ (( cdecl , regparm(0) ))
  245. /**
  246. * Declare a function as used.
  247. *
  248. * Necessary only if the function is called only from assembler code.
  249. */
  250. #define __used __attribute__ (( used ))
  251. /** Declare a data structure to be aligned with 16-byte alignment */
  252. #define __aligned __attribute__ (( aligned ( 16 ) ))
  253. /**
  254. * Shared data.
  255. *
  256. * To save space in the binary when multiple-driver images are
  257. * compiled, uninitialised data areas can be shared between drivers.
  258. * This will typically be used to share statically-allocated receive
  259. * and transmit buffers between drivers.
  260. *
  261. * Use as e.g.
  262. *
  263. * @code
  264. *
  265. * struct {
  266. * char rx_buf[NUM_RX_BUF][RX_BUF_SIZE];
  267. * char tx_buf[TX_BUF_SIZE];
  268. * } my_static_data __shared;
  269. *
  270. * @endcode
  271. *
  272. */
  273. #define __shared __asm__ ( "_shared_bss" )
  274. /**
  275. * Optimisation barrier
  276. */
  277. #define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "" : : : "memory" )
  278. #endif /* ASSEMBLY */
  279. #endif /* COMPILER_H */