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.travis.yml 1.0KB

  1. dist: trusty
  2. sudo: false
  3. language: c
  4. cache: ccache
  5. compiler:
  6. - gcc
  7. addons:
  8. apt:
  9. packages:
  10. - binutils-dev
  11. - liblzma-dev
  12. - syslinux
  13. - genisoimage
  14. env:
  15. global:
  16. - MAKEFLAGS="-j 4"
  17. script:
  18. - make -C src bin/blib.a
  19. - make -C src bin/ipxe.pxe
  20. - make -C src bin/ipxe.usb
  21. - make -C src bin/ipxe.iso
  22. - make -C src bin/8086100e.mrom
  23. - make -C src bin-x86_64-pcbios/blib.a
  24. - make -C src bin-x86_64-pcbios/ipxe.pxe
  25. - make -C src bin-x86_64-pcbios/ipxe.usb
  26. - make -C src bin-x86_64-pcbios/ipxe.iso
  27. - make -C src bin-x86_64-pcbios/8086100e.mrom
  28. - make -C src bin-x86_64-efi/blib.a
  29. - make -C src bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi
  30. - make -C src bin-x86_64-efi/intel.efidrv
  31. - make -C src bin-x86_64-efi/intel.efirom
  32. - make -C src bin-i386-efi/blib.a
  33. - make -C src bin-i386-efi/ipxe.efi
  34. - make -C src bin-i386-efi/intel.efidrv
  35. - make -C src bin-i386-efi/intel.efirom
  36. - make -C src bin-x86_64-linux/blib.a
  37. - make -C src bin-x86_64-linux/tap.linux
  38. - make -C src bin-x86_64-linux/af_packet.linux