123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 |
- use strict;
- use vars qw($verbosity);
- use constant EB_PCI_DEVICE => 1;
- sub calc_output_id ($$) {
- my $kernel = shift;
- my $moduleset = shift;
- my $kernel_ver = "";
- ( $kernel_ver ) = ( $kernel =~ /vmlinuz-(.*)$/ );
- ( my $output_id = "$moduleset".( $kernel_ver ? ".$kernel_ver" : "" ) ) =~ tr/,/./;
- return ( $kernel_ver, $output_id );
- }
- sub read_config_file ($$$$) {
- my $configfile = shift;
- my $modulesets = shift;
- my $dhcpfh = shift;
- my $alwaysuse = shift;
- print "Scanning through $configfile for network modules...\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
- open CF, $configfile or die "Could not open $configfile: $!\n";
- chomp ( my $tempmodule = `mktemp /tmp/mknbi-set.XXXXXX` );
- chomp ( my $cwd = `pwd` ); chdir '/';
- print $dhcpfh " \# Generated from $configfile\n";
- while (<CF>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^[\
- ( my $module, undef, my $vendor, my $device ) = /^(\S+)(\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+))?/ ;
- $modulesets->{$module} = 1 if $alwaysuse;
- if ( ! exists $modulesets->{$module} ) {
- my @modulepaths = `/sbin/modprobe -l $module.o*` ;
- chomp ( my $modulepath = $modulepaths[0] );
- if ( $modulepath ) {
- if ( $modulepath =~ /.o.gz$/ ) {
- system ( "zcat $modulepath > $tempmodule" );
- } else {
- system ( "cp $modulepath $tempmodule" );
- }
- $modulesets->{$module} = 0;
- foreach ( `nm $tempmodule` ) {
- chomp;
- $modulesets->{$module} = 1 if /(ether|wlan)/ ;
- }
- unlink $tempmodule;
- } else {
- print STDERR "Cannot locate module $module specified in $configfile\n";
- }
- }
- if ( $modulesets->{$module} ) {
- if ( $vendor ) {
- print "$module ($vendor,$device) listed in $configfile\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
- printf $dhcpfh ( " if option etherboot.nic-dev-id = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x { option etherboot.kmod \"%s\"; }\n",
- ( hex($vendor) >> 8 ) & 0xff, hex($vendor) & 0xff,
- ( hex($device) >> 8 ) & 0xff, hex($device) & 0xff,
- $module );
- } else {
- print "$module (without PCI IDs) listed in $configfile\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
- }
- }
- }
- close CF;
- print $dhcpfh "\n";
- chdir $cwd;
- }
- my $conffile = '/etc/mknbi-set.conf';
- my $mkinitrd_net = 'mkinitrd-net';
- my $mknbi = 'mknbi-linux';
- my $output_dir = '/var/lib/tftpboot';
- my $dhcpfile = '/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include';
- my $use_local;
- our $verbosity = 1;
- my $modulesets = {};
- my $kernel = '';
- my @kernels = ();
- my $usage="Usage: $0 [-l|--local] [-q] [-v] [-r|--refresh module[,module...]] [--help]";
- while ( $_ = shift ) {
- if ( /-l|--local/ ) {
- $conffile = 'mknbi-set.conf';
- $mkinitrd_net = './mkinitrd-net';
- $mknbi = './mknbi-linux --format=nbi --target=linux';
- $output_dir = 'tftpboot';
- $dhcpfile = 'tftpboot/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include';
- $use_local = 1;
- } elsif ( /-r|--refresh/ ) {
- my $moduleset = shift;
- $modulesets->{$moduleset} = 1;
- } elsif ( /-k|--kernel/ ) {
- $kernel = shift;
- } elsif ( /-v|--verbose/ ) {
- $verbosity++;
- } elsif ( /-q|--quiet/ ) {
- $verbosity--;
- } elsif ( /--help/ ) {
- die "$usage\n".
- " -k, --kernel Build NBIs for a particular kernel\n".
- " -l, --local Run locally from CVS (for developers only)\n".
- " -r, --refresh Refresh NBI for a particular module\n".
- " -v, --verbose Be more verbose\n".
- " -q, --quiet Be less verbose\n";
- } else {
- die "$usage\n";
- }
- }
- if ($kernel) {
- @kernels = ( $kernel );
- } else {
- @kernels = glob('/boot/vmlinuz*');
- }
- die "Could not find any kernels in /boot\n" unless @kernels;
- unless ( %$modulesets ) {
- open my $dhcpfh, ">$dhcpfile" or die "Could not open $dhcpfile for writing: $!\n";
- print $dhcpfh "# Etherboot PCI ID -> Linux kernel module mapping file\n";
- print $dhcpfh "# Generated by mknbi-set on ".(scalar localtime)."\n";
- print $dhcpfh "#\n";
- print $dhcpfh "if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = \"Etherboot\" {\n";
- print $dhcpfh " if exists etherboot.nic-dev-id {\n";
- print $dhcpfh " \# Legacy nic-dev-id mechanism: there are some DLink DFE538 cards in circulation that\n";
- print $dhcpfh " \# predated the change to the new nic-dev-id binary structure\n";
- print $dhcpfh " if option etherboot.nic-dev-id = \"PCI:1186:1300\" { option etherboot.kmod \"8139too\"; }\n";
- print $dhcpfh "\n";
- read_config_file($conffile, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 1);
- my $pcimap;
- foreach ( `/sbin/modprobe -c` ) {
- $pcimap = $1 if /^pcimap.*?=(.*)$/;
- }
- if ( $pcimap ) {
- read_config_file($pcimap, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 0);
- } else {
- print STDERR "Could not identify pcimap file\n";
- }
- print $dhcpfh " }\n}\n";
- close $dhcpfh;
- }
- foreach my $moduleset ( sort keys %$modulesets ) {
- next unless $modulesets->{$moduleset};
- print "Building NBIs for module set $moduleset\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
- foreach my $kernel ( @kernels ) {
- ( my $kernel_ver, my $output_id ) = calc_output_id ( $kernel, $moduleset );
- if ( -l $kernel ) {
- my $real_kernel = readlink ( $kernel );
- ( my $real_kernel_ver, my $real_output_id ) = calc_output_id ( $real_kernel, $moduleset );
- print "Symlinking $output_id to $real_output_id\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
- my $initrd_file = "$output_dir/initrd-$output_id.img";
- unlink ( $initrd_file ) if -l $initrd_file;
- system ( "ln -s initrd-$real_output_id.img $initrd_file" ) == 0 or print STDERR "Could not symlink $initrd_file to initrd-$real_output_id.img: $!\n";
- my $nbi_file = "$output_dir/boot-$output_id.nbi";
- unlink ( $nbi_file ) if -l $nbi_file;
- system ( "ln -s boot-$real_output_id.nbi $nbi_file" ) == 0 or print STDERR "Could not symlink $nbi_file to boot-$real_output_id.nbi: $!\n";
- } else {
- print "Creating initrd and nbi for $output_id\n" if $verbosity >= 2;
- ( my $moduleset_spaces = $moduleset ) =~ tr/,/ /;
- my $initrd_cmd = "$mkinitrd_net --nolink ".
- ( $use_local ? "--local " : "" ).
- ( $kernel_ver ? "--kernel $kernel_ver " : "" ).
- ( $verbosity >= 2 ? "" : "-q " ).
- $moduleset_spaces;
- print "$initrd_cmd\n" if $verbosity >= 3;
- if ( system ( $initrd_cmd ) == 0 ) {
- my $mknbi_cmd = "$mknbi $kernel $output_dir/initrd-$output_id.img > $output_dir/boot-$output_id.nbi";
- print "$mknbi_cmd\n" if $verbosity >= 3;
- system ( $mknbi_cmd ) == 0 or print STDERR "mknbi failed: $!\n";
- } else {
- print STDERR "$initrd_cmd failed: $!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }