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- % Exemple de CV utilisant la classe moderncv
- % Style classic en bleu
- % Article complet : http://blog.madrzejewski.com/creer-cv-elegant-latex-moderncv/
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- \firstname{Robin}
- \familyname{Thoni}
- \title{Student at EPITA}
- \address{639 Rue Émile Girardin}{G7H 6R1, Chicoutimi, Canada}
- \email{robin@rthoni.com}
- \mobile{+1 581 490 8942}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- \section{Cursus}
- \cventry{2012 -- 2016}{Computer Science Student}{EPITA}{}{French Engineering School}{}
- \cventry{2014 -- 2016}{School's Laboratory}{3ie}{}{EPITA's Innovation Laboratory}{}
- \cventry{2016 -- today}{International IT Master}{UQAC}{}{Canadian University}{}
- \section{Projects}
- \cventry{2012 -- 2016}{Prologin Contest Organizer}{French national programming contest}{https://prologin.org}{}{}
- \cventry{2013 -- today}{Camotion}{An API, a web frontend, a backend and an Android application for remote CCTV}{https://git.rthoni.com/camotion/}{}{}
- \cventry{2015 -- today}{Luticate}{An API and a web frontend for users, groups and permissions management}{https://git.rthoni.com/luticate/ https://demo.camotion.rthoni.com}{}{}
- \cventry{2015 -- today}{Arduino}{Multiple projects arround Arduino: USB devices (mouse, keyboard, raw HID, raw device), contact smartcard reader/emulation}{https://git.rthoni.com/robin.thoni/arduino-*}{}{}
- \cventry{2016 -- today}{Docker}{Docker containers using docker-compose: complete mail server stack (Postfix, Dovecot, PostfixAdmin PostgreSQL), Roundcube webmail, DNS server (PowerDNS, PowerAdmin, PostgreSQL)}{https://git.rthoni.com/robin.thoni/docker-*}{}{}
- \cventry{2016 -- today}{BladeRF}{Multiple 'hacks' using BladeRF: GSM network emulation, aircraft tracker, GPS fake signal}{}{}{}
- \cventry{2016 -- today}{Intellij}{Intellij plugin to generate models from database}{https://git.rthoni.com/robin.thoni/intellij-code-from-ds}{}{}
- \section{Skills}
- \subsection{Languages}
- \cvent{}{}{}{C, C++, Java, Shell, Javascript, C\#, PostgreSQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Less}{}{}
- \subsection{Frameworks}
- \cvent{}{}{}{Qt, Node JS, C\# WebApi, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Android SDK}{}{}
- \section{Miscellaneous}
- \subsection{Languages}
- \cvent{French}{}{}{Native}{}{}
- \cvent{English}{}{}{TOEIC 910}{}{}
- \subsection{Driving}
- \cvent{2012}{}{}{French Driving Licence: Car and Trailer}{}{}
- \end{document}