You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 4.1KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4. | localization/de_DE/ |
  5. | |
  6. | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail client |
  7. | Copyright (C) 2005-2014, The Roundcube Dev Team |
  8. | |
  9. | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
  10. | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
  11. | See the README file for a full license statement. |
  12. | |
  13. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  14. | Author: Aleksander Machniak <> |
  15. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  16. */
  17. $map = array();
  18. $map['anniversary'] = "Jahrestag";
  19. $map['assistants_name'] = "Name Assistent";
  20. $map['assistants_phone'] = "Telefon Assistent";
  21. $map['birthday'] = "Geburtstag";
  22. $map['business_city'] = "Ort geschäftlich";
  23. $map['business_countryregion'] = "Region geschäftlich";
  24. $map['business_fax'] = "Fax geschäftlich";
  25. $map['business_phone'] = "Telefon geschäftlich";
  26. $map['business_phone_2'] = "Telefon geschäftlich 2";
  27. $map['business_postal_code'] = "Postleitzahl geschäftlich";
  28. $map['business_state'] = "Land geschäftlich";
  29. $map['business_street'] = "Straße geschäftlich";
  30. $map['car_phone'] = "Autotelefon";
  31. $map['categories'] = "Kategorien";
  32. $map['company'] = "Firma";
  33. $map['department'] = "Abteilung";
  34. $map['email_address'] = "E-Mail-Adresse";
  35. $map['email_2_address'] = "E-Mail 2: Adresse";
  36. $map['email_3_address'] = "E-Mail 3: Adresse";
  37. $map['first_name'] = "Vorname";
  38. $map['gender'] = "Geschlecht";
  39. $map['home_city'] = "Ort privat";
  40. $map['home_countryregion'] = "Region privat";
  41. $map['home_fax'] = "Fax privat";
  42. $map['home_phone'] = "Telefon privat";
  43. $map['home_phone_2'] = "Telefon privat 2";
  44. $map['home_postal_code'] = "Postleitzahl privat";
  45. $map['home_state'] = "Land privat";
  46. $map['home_street'] = "Straße privat";
  47. $map['job_title'] = "Position";
  48. $map['last_name'] = "Nachname";
  49. $map['managers_name'] = "Manager's Name";
  50. $map['middle_name'] = "Weitere Vornamen";
  51. $map['mobile_phone'] = "Mobiltelefon";
  52. $map['notes'] = "Notizen";
  53. $map['other_city'] = "Weiterer Ort";
  54. $map['other_countryregion'] = "Weitere Region";
  55. $map['other_fax'] = "Weiteres Fax";
  56. $map['other_phone'] = "Weiteres Telefon";
  57. $map['other_postal_code'] = "Weitere Postleitzahl";
  58. $map['other_state'] = "Weiteres Land";
  59. $map['other_street'] = "Weitere Straße";
  60. $map['pager'] = "Pager";
  61. $map['primary_phone'] = "Haupttelefon";
  62. $map['spouse'] = "Spouse";
  63. $map['suffix'] = "Suffix";
  64. $map['title'] = "Title";
  65. $map['web_page'] = "Webseite";
  66. $map['birth_day'] = "Geburtstag";
  67. $map['birth_month'] = "Geburtsmonat";
  68. $map['birth_year'] = "Geburtsjahr";
  69. $map['display_name'] = "Anzeigename";
  70. $map['fax_number'] = "Fax-Nummer";
  71. $map['home_address'] = "Privat: Adresse";
  72. $map['home_country'] = "Privat: Land";
  73. $map['home_zipcode'] = "Privat: PLZ";
  74. $map['mobile_number'] = "Mobil-Tel.-Nr.";
  75. $map['nickname'] = "Spitzname";
  76. $map['organization'] = "Organisation";
  77. $map['pager_number'] = "Pager-Nummer";
  78. $map['primary_email'] = "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse";
  79. $map['secondary_email'] = "Sekundäre E-Mail-Adresse";
  80. $map['web_page_1'] = "Webseite 1";
  81. $map['web_page_2'] = "Webseite 2";
  82. $map['work_phone'] = "Tel. dienstlich";
  83. $map['work_address'] = "Dienstlich: Adresse";
  84. $map['work_country'] = "Dienstlich: Land";
  85. $map['work_zipcode'] = "Dienstlich: PLZ";
  86. $map['date_of_birth'] = "Date of Birth";
  87. $map['email'] = "Email";
  88. $map['home_mobile'] = "Home Mobile";
  89. $map['home_zip'] = "Home Zip";
  90. $map['info'] = "Info";
  91. $map['user_photo'] = "User Photo";
  92. $map['url'] = "URL";
  93. $map['work_city'] = "Work City";
  94. $map['work_company'] = "Work Company";
  95. $map['work_dept'] = "Work Dept";
  96. $map['work_fax'] = "Work Fax";
  97. $map['work_mobile'] = "Work Mobile";
  98. $map['work_state'] = "Work State";
  99. $map['work_title'] = "Work Title";
  100. $map['work_zip'] = "Work Zip";