123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164 |
- <?php
- /**
- * jQuery UI
- *
- * Provide the jQuery UI library with according themes.
- *
- * @version 1.10.4
- * @author Cor Bosman <roundcube@wa.ter.net>
- * @author Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>
- * @license GNU GPLv3+
- */
- class jqueryui extends rcube_plugin
- {
- public $noajax = true;
- public $version = '1.10.4';
- private static $features = array();
- private static $ui_theme;
- public function init()
- {
- $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
- // the plugin might have been force-loaded so do some sanity check first
- if ($rcmail->output->type != 'html' || self::$ui_theme) {
- return;
- }
- $this->load_config();
- // include UI scripts
- $this->include_script("js/jquery-ui-$this->version.custom.min.js");
- // include UI stylesheet
- $skin = $rcmail->config->get('skin');
- $ui_map = $rcmail->config->get('jquery_ui_skin_map', array());
- $ui_theme = $ui_map[$skin] ?: $skin;
- self::$ui_theme = $ui_theme;
- if (file_exists($this->home . "/themes/$ui_theme/jquery-ui-$this->version.custom.css")) {
- $this->include_stylesheet("themes/$ui_theme/jquery-ui-$this->version.custom.css");
- }
- else {
- $this->include_stylesheet("themes/larry/jquery-ui-$this->version.custom.css");
- }
- if ($ui_theme == 'larry') {
- // patch dialog position function in order to fully fit the close button into the window
- $rcmail->output->add_script("jQuery.extend(jQuery.ui.dialog.prototype.options.position, {
- using: function(pos) {
- var me = jQuery(this),
- offset = me.css(pos).offset(),
- topOffset = offset.top - 12;
- if (topOffset < 0)
- me.css('top', pos.top - topOffset);
- if (offset.left + me.outerWidth() + 12 > jQuery(window).width())
- me.css('left', pos.left - 12);
- }
- });", 'foot');
- }
- // jquery UI localization
- $jquery_ui_i18n = $rcmail->config->get('jquery_ui_i18n', array('datepicker'));
- if (count($jquery_ui_i18n) > 0) {
- $lang_l = str_replace('_', '-', substr($_SESSION['language'], 0, 5));
- $lang_s = substr($_SESSION['language'], 0, 2);
- foreach ($jquery_ui_i18n as $package) {
- if (file_exists($this->home . "/js/i18n/jquery.ui.$package-$lang_l.js")) {
- $this->include_script("js/i18n/jquery.ui.$package-$lang_l.js");
- }
- else
- if (file_exists($this->home . "/js/i18n/jquery.ui.$package-$lang_s.js")) {
- $this->include_script("js/i18n/jquery.ui.$package-$lang_s.js");
- }
- }
- }
- // Date format for datepicker
- $date_format = $rcmail->config->get('date_format', 'Y-m-d');
- $date_format = strtr($date_format, array(
- 'y' => 'y',
- 'Y' => 'yy',
- 'm' => 'mm',
- 'n' => 'm',
- 'd' => 'dd',
- 'j' => 'd',
- ));
- $rcmail->output->set_env('date_format', $date_format);
- }
- public static function miniColors()
- {
- if (in_array('miniColors', self::$features)) {
- return;
- }
- self::$features[] = 'miniColors';
- $ui_theme = self::$ui_theme;
- $rcube = rcube::get_instance();
- $script = 'plugins/jqueryui/js/jquery.miniColors.min.js';
- $css = "plugins/jqueryui/themes/$ui_theme/jquery.miniColors.css";
- if (!file_exists(INSTALL_PATH . $css)) {
- $css = "plugins/jqueryui/themes/larry/jquery.miniColors.css";
- }
- $rcube->output->include_css($css);
- $rcube->output->add_header(html::tag('script', array('type' => "text/javascript", 'src' => $script)));
- $rcube->output->add_script('$("input.colors").miniColors({colorValues: rcmail.env.mscolors})', 'docready');
- $rcube->output->set_env('mscolors', self::get_color_values());
- }
- public static function tagedit()
- {
- if (in_array('tagedit', self::$features)) {
- return;
- }
- self::$features[] = 'tagedit';
- $script = 'plugins/jqueryui/js/jquery.tagedit.js';
- $rcube = rcube::get_instance();
- $ui_theme = self::$ui_theme;
- $css = "plugins/jqueryui/themes/$ui_theme/tagedit.css";
- if (!file_exists(INSTALL_PATH . $css)) {
- $css = "plugins/jqueryui/themes/larry/tagedit.css";
- }
- $rcube->output->include_css($css);
- $rcube->output->add_header(html::tag('script', array('type' => "text/javascript", 'src' => $script)));
- }
- /**
- * Return a (limited) list of color values to be used for calendar and category coloring
- *
- * @return mixed List for colors as hex values or false if no presets should be shown
- */
- public static function get_color_values()
- {
- // selection from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa358802%28v=VS.85%29.aspx
- return array('000000','006400','2F4F4F','800000','808000','008000',
- '008080','000080','800080','4B0082','191970','8B0000','008B8B',
- '00008B','8B008B','556B2F','8B4513','228B22','6B8E23','2E8B57',
- 'B8860B','483D8B','A0522D','0000CD','A52A2A','00CED1','696969',
- '20B2AA','9400D3','B22222','C71585','3CB371','D2691E','DC143C',
- 'DAA520','00FA9A','4682B4','7CFC00','9932CC','FF0000','FF4500',
- 'FF8C00','FFA500','FFD700','FFFF00','9ACD32','32CD32','00FF00',
- '00FF7F','00FFFF','5F9EA0','00BFFF','0000FF','FF00FF','808080',
- '708090','CD853F','8A2BE2','778899','FF1493','48D1CC','1E90FF',
- '40E0D0','4169E1','6A5ACD','BDB76B','BA55D3','CD5C5C','ADFF2F',
- '66CDAA','FF6347','8FBC8B','DA70D6','BC8F8F','9370DB','DB7093',
- 'FF7F50','6495ED','A9A9A9','F4A460','7B68EE','D2B48C','E9967A',
- 'DEB887','FF69B4','FA8072','F08080','EE82EE','87CEEB','FFA07A',
- 'F0E68C','DDA0DD','90EE90','7FFFD4','C0C0C0','87CEFA','B0C4DE',
- '98FB98','ADD8E6','B0E0E6','D8BFD8','EEE8AA','AFEEEE','D3D3D3',
- );
- }
- }