123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392 |
- /**
- * ACL plugin script
- *
- * @version @package_version@
- * @author Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl>
- */
- if (window.rcmail) {
- rcmail.addEventListener('init', function() {
- if (rcmail.gui_objects.acltable) {
- rcmail.acl_list_init();
- // enable autocomplete on user input
- if (rcmail.env.acl_users_source) {
- var inst = rcmail.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : rcmail;
- inst.init_address_input_events($('#acluser'), {action:'settings/plugin.acl-autocomplete'});
- // pass config settings and localized texts to autocomplete context
- inst.set_env({ autocomplete_max:rcmail.env.autocomplete_max, autocomplete_min_length:rcmail.env.autocomplete_min_length });
- inst.add_label('autocompletechars', rcmail.labels.autocompletechars);
- inst.add_label('autocompletemore', rcmail.labels.autocompletemore);
- // fix inserted value
- inst.addEventListener('autocomplete_insert', function(e) {
- if (e.field.id != 'acluser')
- return;
- e.field.value = e.insert.replace(/[ ,;]+$/, '');
- });
- }
- }
- rcmail.enable_command('acl-create', 'acl-save', 'acl-cancel', 'acl-mode-switch', true);
- rcmail.enable_command('acl-delete', 'acl-edit', false);
- if (rcmail.env.acl_advanced)
- $('#acl-switch').addClass('selected');
- });
- }
- // Display new-entry form
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_create = function()
- {
- this.acl_init_form();
- }
- // Display ACL edit form
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_edit = function()
- {
- // @TODO: multi-row edition
- var id = this.acl_list.get_single_selection();
- if (id)
- this.acl_init_form(id);
- }
- // ACL entry delete
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_delete = function()
- {
- var users = this.acl_get_usernames();
- if (users && users.length && confirm(this.get_label('acl.deleteconfirm'))) {
- this.http_post('settings/plugin.acl', {
- _act: 'delete',
- _user: users.join(','),
- _mbox: this.env.mailbox
- },
- this.set_busy(true, 'acl.deleting'));
- }
- }
- // Save ACL data
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_save = function()
- {
- var data, type, rights = '', user = $('#acluser', this.acl_form).val();
- $((this.env.acl_advanced ? '#advancedrights :checkbox' : '#simplerights :checkbox'), this.acl_form).map(function() {
- if (this.checked)
- rights += this.value;
- });
- if (type = $('input:checked[name=usertype]', this.acl_form).val()) {
- if (type != 'user')
- user = type;
- }
- if (!user) {
- alert(this.get_label('acl.nouser'));
- return;
- }
- if (!rights) {
- alert(this.get_label('acl.norights'));
- return;
- }
- data = {
- _act: 'save',
- _user: user,
- _acl: rights,
- _mbox: this.env.mailbox
- }
- if (this.acl_id) {
- data._old = this.acl_id;
- }
- this.http_post('settings/plugin.acl', data, this.set_busy(true, 'acl.saving'));
- }
- // Cancel/Hide form
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_cancel = function()
- {
- this.ksearch_blur();
- this.acl_popup.dialog('close');
- }
- // Update data after save (and hide form)
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_update = function(o)
- {
- // delete old row
- if (o.old)
- this.acl_remove_row(o.old);
- // make sure the same ID doesn't exist
- else if (this.env.acl[o.id])
- this.acl_remove_row(o.id);
- // add new row
- this.acl_add_row(o, true);
- // hide autocomplete popup
- this.ksearch_blur();
- // hide form
- this.acl_popup.dialog('close');
- }
- // Switch table display mode
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_mode_switch = function(elem)
- {
- this.env.acl_advanced = !this.env.acl_advanced;
- this.enable_command('acl-delete', 'acl-edit', false);
- this.http_request('settings/plugin.acl', '_act=list'
- + '&_mode='+(this.env.acl_advanced ? 'advanced' : 'simple')
- + '&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox),
- this.set_busy(true, 'loading'));
- }
- // ACL table initialization
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_list_init = function()
- {
- var method = this.env.acl_advanced ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass';
- $('#acl-switch')[method]('selected');
- $(this.gui_objects.acltable)[method]('advanced');
- this.acl_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.acltable,
- {multiselect: true, draggable: false, keyboard: true});
- this.acl_list.addEventListener('select', function(o) { rcmail.acl_list_select(o); })
- .addEventListener('dblclick', function(o) { rcmail.acl_list_dblclick(o); })
- .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { rcmail.acl_list_keypress(o); })
- .init();
- }
- // ACL table row selection handler
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_list_select = function(list)
- {
- rcmail.enable_command('acl-delete', list.selection.length > 0);
- rcmail.enable_command('acl-edit', list.selection.length == 1);
- list.focus();
- }
- // ACL table double-click handler
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_list_dblclick = function(list)
- {
- this.acl_edit();
- }
- // ACL table keypress handler
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_list_keypress = function(list)
- {
- if (list.key_pressed == list.ENTER_KEY)
- this.command('acl-edit');
- else if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY || list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY)
- if (!this.acl_form || !this.acl_form.is(':visible'))
- this.command('acl-delete');
- }
- // Reloads ACL table
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_list_update = function(html)
- {
- $(this.gui_objects.acltable).html(html);
- this.acl_list_init();
- }
- // Returns names of users in selected rows
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_get_usernames = function()
- {
- var users = [], n, len, cell, row,
- list = this.acl_list,
- selection = list.get_selection();
- for (n=0, len=selection.length; n<len; n++) {
- if (this.env.acl_specials.length && $.inArray(selection[n], this.env.acl_specials) >= 0) {
- users.push(selection[n]);
- }
- else if (row = list.rows[selection[n]]) {
- cell = $('td.user', row.obj);
- if (cell.length == 1)
- users.push(cell.text());
- }
- }
- return users;
- }
- // Removes ACL table row
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_remove_row = function(id)
- {
- var list = this.acl_list;
- list.remove_row(id);
- list.clear_selection();
- // we don't need it anymore (remove id conflict)
- $('#rcmrow'+id).remove();
- this.env.acl[id] = null;
- this.enable_command('acl-delete', list.selection.length > 0);
- this.enable_command('acl-edit', list.selection.length == 1);
- }
- // Adds ACL table row
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_add_row = function(o, sel)
- {
- var n, len, ids = [], spec = [], id = o.id, list = this.acl_list,
- items = this.env.acl_advanced ? [] : this.env.acl_items,
- table = this.gui_objects.acltable,
- row = $('thead > tr', table).clone();
- // Update new row
- $('th', row).map(function() {
- var td = $('<td>'),
- title = $(this).attr('title'),
- cl = this.className.replace(/^acl/, '');
- if (title)
- td.attr('title', title);
- if (items && items[cl])
- cl = items[cl];
- if (cl == 'user')
- td.addClass(cl).append($('<a>').text(o.username));
- else
- td.addClass(this.className + ' ' + rcmail.acl_class(o.acl, cl)).text('');
- $(this).replaceWith(td);
- });
- row.attr('id', 'rcmrow'+id);
- row = row.get(0);
- this.env.acl[id] = o.acl;
- // sorting... (create an array of user identifiers, then sort it)
- for (n in this.env.acl) {
- if (this.env.acl[n]) {
- if (this.env.acl_specials.length && $.inArray(n, this.env.acl_specials) >= 0)
- spec.push(n);
- else
- ids.push(n);
- }
- }
- ids.sort();
- // specials on the top
- ids = spec.concat(ids);
- // find current id
- for (n=0, len=ids.length; n<len; n++)
- if (ids[n] == id)
- break;
- // add row
- if (n && n < len) {
- $('#rcmrow'+ids[n-1]).after(row);
- list.init_row(row);
- list.rowcount++;
- }
- else
- list.insert_row(row);
- if (sel)
- list.select_row(o.id);
- }
- // Initializes and shows ACL create/edit form
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_init_form = function(id)
- {
- var ul, row, td, val = '', type = 'user', li_elements, body = $('body'),
- adv_ul = $('#advancedrights'), sim_ul = $('#simplerights'),
- name_input = $('#acluser'), type_list = $('#usertype');
- if (!this.acl_form) {
- var fn = function () { $('input[value="user"]').prop('checked', true); };
- name_input.click(fn).keypress(fn);
- }
- this.acl_form = $('#aclform');
- // Hide unused items
- if (this.env.acl_advanced) {
- adv_ul.show();
- sim_ul.hide();
- ul = adv_ul;
- }
- else {
- sim_ul.show();
- adv_ul.hide();
- ul = sim_ul;
- }
- // initialize form fields
- li_elements = $(':checkbox', ul);
- li_elements.attr('checked', false);
- if (id && (row = this.acl_list.rows[id])) {
- row = row.obj;
- li_elements.map(function() {
- td = $('td.'+this.id, row);
- if (td.length && td.hasClass('enabled'))
- this.checked = true;
- });
- if (!this.env.acl_specials.length || $.inArray(id, this.env.acl_specials) < 0)
- val = $('td.user', row).text();
- else
- type = id;
- }
- // mark read (lrs) rights by default
- else {
- li_elements.filter(function() { return this.id.match(/^acl([lrs]|read)$/); }).prop('checked', true);
- }
- name_input.val(val);
- $('input[value='+type+']').prop('checked', true);
- this.acl_id = id;
- var buttons = {}, me = this, body = document.body;
- buttons[this.get_label('save')] = function(e) { me.command('acl-save'); };
- buttons[this.get_label('cancel')] = function(e) { me.command('acl-cancel'); };
- // display it as popup
- this.acl_popup = this.show_popup_dialog(
- this.acl_form.show(),
- id ? this.get_label('acl.editperms') : this.get_label('acl.newuser'),
- buttons,
- {
- button_classes: ['mainaction'],
- modal: true,
- closeOnEscape: true,
- close: function(e, ui) {
- (me.is_framed() ? parent.rcmail : me).ksearch_hide();
- me.acl_form.appendTo(body).hide();
- $(this).remove();
- window.focus(); // focus iframe
- }
- }
- );
- if (type == 'user')
- name_input.focus();
- else
- $('input:checked', type_list).focus();
- }
- // Returns class name according to ACL comparision result
- rcube_webmail.prototype.acl_class = function(acl1, acl2)
- {
- var i, len, found = 0;
- acl1 = String(acl1);
- acl2 = String(acl2);
- for (i=0, len=acl2.length; i<len; i++)
- if (acl1.indexOf(acl2[i]) > -1)
- found++;
- if (found == len)
- return 'enabled';
- else if (found)
- return 'partial';
- return 'disabled';
- }