You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

powerdns-dnssec-mysql-db-structure.sql 909B

  1. create table domainmetadata (
  2. id INT auto_increment,
  3. domain_id INT NOT NULL,
  4. kind VARCHAR(16),
  5. content TEXT,
  6. primary key(id)
  7. ) Engine=InnoDB;
  8. create index domainmetaidindex on domainmetadata(domain_id);
  9. create table cryptokeys (
  10. id INT auto_increment,
  11. domain_id INT NOT NULL,
  12. flags INT NOT NULL,
  13. active BOOL,
  14. content TEXT,
  15. primary key(id)
  16. ) Engine=InnoDB;
  17. create index domainidindex on cryptokeys(domain_id);
  18. alter table records add ordername VARCHAR(255) BINARY;
  19. alter table records add auth bool;
  20. create index recordorder on records (domain_id, ordername);
  21. create table tsigkeys (
  22. id INT auto_increment,
  23. name VARCHAR(255),
  24. algorithm VARCHAR(50),
  25. secret VARCHAR(255),
  26. primary key(id)
  27. ) Engine=InnoDB;
  28. create unique index namealgoindex on tsigkeys(name, algorithm);
  29. alter table records change column type type VARCHAR(10);