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- The Date Extension
- ===================
- The *Date* extension provides the ``time_diff`` filter.
- You need to register this extension before using the ``time_diff`` filter::
- $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Date());
- ``time_diff``
- -------------
- Use the ``time_diff`` filter to render the difference between a date and now.
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ post.published_at|time_diff }}
- The example above will output a string like ``4 seconds ago`` or ``in 1 month``,
- depending on the filtered date.
- .. note::
- Internally, Twig uses the PHP ``DateTime::diff()`` method for calculating the
- difference between dates, this means that PHP 5.3+ is required.
- Arguments
- ~~~~~~~~~
- * ``date``: The date for calculate the difference from now. Can be a string
- or a DateTime instance.
- * ``now``: The date that should be used as now. Can be a string or
- a DateTime instance. Do not set this argument to use current date.
- Translation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- To get a translatable output, give a ``Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface``
- as constructor argument. The returned string is formatted as ``diff.ago.XXX``
- or ``diff.in.XXX`` where ``XXX`` can be any valid unit: second, minute, hour, day, month, year.