'use strict'; /* App Module */ function addCrudStates($stateProvider, itemType, listState, addState, editState) { if (listState == null || listState === true) { $stateProvider.state(itemType, { url: '/' + itemType, parent: 'root', title: itemType + '.name', templateUrl: 'views/' + itemType + '.html', controller: itemType + 'Controller' }); } if (addState == null || addState === true) { $stateProvider.state(itemType + '_add', { url: '/' + itemType + '/add', parent: 'root', title: itemType + '.add.defaultTitle', toolbarTitle: itemType + '.add.defaultToolbarTitle', templateUrl: 'views/' + itemType + 'edit.html', controller: itemType + 'EditController', params: { item: null } }); } if (editState == null || editState === true) { $stateProvider.state(itemType + '_edit', { url: '/' + itemType + '/edit/:id', parent: 'root', title: itemType + '.edit.defaultTitle', toolbarTitle: itemType + '.edit.defaultToolbarTitle', templateUrl: 'views/' + itemType + 'edit.html', controller: itemType + 'EditController', params: { item: null } }); } } function addCrudNotifications(luNotificationsBusiness, AppUtilsBusiness, $mdToast, $state, itemType) { luNotificationsBusiness.addEventCrudCallback(itemType, function(eventName, entityType, oldEntity, newEntity) { var text = null; if (eventName == luNotificationsBusiness.EVENT_CREATE) { text = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(itemType + '.notifications.create', {text: newEntity.toString()}); } else if (eventName == luNotificationsBusiness.EVENT_UPDATE) { text = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(itemType + '.notifications.update', {text: newEntity.toString()}); } else if (eventName == luNotificationsBusiness.EVENT_DELETE) { text = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(itemType + '.notifications.delete', {text: oldEntity.toString()}); } var toast = $mdToast.simple() .textContent(text) .action(eventName == luNotificationsBusiness.EVENT_DELETE ? AppUtilsBusiness.tr('common.undo') : AppUtilsBusiness.tr('common.view')) .highlightAction(true) .highlightClass('md-accent') .position('bottom right'); $mdToast.show(toast).then(function(response) { if (response == 'ok') { if (eventName == luNotificationsBusiness.EVENT_DELETE) { oldEntity.id = null; $state.go(itemType + '_add', {item: oldEntity}); } else { $state.go(itemType + '_edit', {id: newEntity.id, item: newEntity}); } } }, function (error) {console.log(error)}); }); } angular.module('app', [ 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.router', 'LocalStorageModule', 'ngMaterial', 'md.data.table', 'sasrio.angular-material-sidenav', 'pascalprecht.translate', 'angular-busy', 'luticate2Utils', 'SignalR', // 'luticateAuth', 'appSdk' ]) .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 'ssSideNavSectionsProvider', '$mdThemingProvider', '$mdIconProvider', '$translateProvider', '$provide', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, ssSideNavSectionsProvider, $mdThemingProvider, $mdIconProvider, $translateProvider, $provide) { // $mdThemingProvider // .theme('default') // .primaryPalette('blue', { // 'default': '700' // }); // $mdThemingProvider.theme('default') // .primaryPalette('blue') // .accentPalette('pink'); $provide.decorator("$mdDialog", ['$delegate', function ($delegate) { // Get a handle of the show method var c = $delegate.show; function decorateDialogShow () { var args = angular.extend({}, arguments[0], { skipHide: true }); if (args._options != null) { args._options = angular.extend({}, args._options, { skipHide: true }); } return c(args); } $delegate.show = decorateDialogShow; return $delegate; }]); $translateProvider.useSanitizeValueStrategy('escapeParameters'); $translateProvider.useMessageFormatInterpolation(); $translateProvider.useStaticFilesLoader({ prefix: 'translations/', suffix: '.json' }); $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('en'); $mdIconProvider .icon('md-toggle-arrow', 'img/arrow.svg'); ssSideNavSectionsProvider.initWithTheme($mdThemingProvider); ssSideNavSectionsProvider.initWithSections([{ id: 'toogle_1', name: 'home.categories', type: 'heading', children: [{ id: 'persons.name', name: 'persons.name', state: 'persons', type: 'link' }, { id: 'locations.name', name: 'locations.name', state: 'locations', type: 'link' }, { id: 'countries.name', name: 'countries.name', state: 'countries', type: 'link' }] }, { id: 'toogle_2', name: 'articles.name', type: 'heading', children: [{ id: 'toogle_2_link_1', name: 'common.all', state: 'articles', type: 'link' },{ id: 'toogle_2_link_1', name: 'common.new', state: 'articles_add', type: 'link' }] }]); $stateProvider.state('root', { abstract: true, template: '
', // resolve: ['luticateAuthUsers', function(luticateAuthUsers) // { // return luticateAuthUsers.loadUserData(null); // }] }); $stateProvider.state('home', { url:'/', parent: 'root', title: "home.name", reloadOnSearch: false, templateUrl:'views/home.html', controller:'HomeController' }); $stateProvider.state('locations', { url:'/locations', parent: 'root', title: "locations.name", reloadOnSearch: false, templateUrl:'views/articlesCategory.html', controller:'articleCategoryController', params: { type: 'locations' } }); $stateProvider.state('persons', { url:'/persons', parent: 'root', title: "persons.name", reloadOnSearch: false, templateUrl:'views/articlesCategory.html', controller:'articleCategoryController', params: { type: 'persons' } }); $stateProvider.state('countries', { url:'/countries', parent: 'root', title: "countries.name", reloadOnSearch: false, templateUrl:'views/articlesCategory.html', controller:'articleCategoryController', params: { type: 'countries' } }); addCrudStates($stateProvider, 'articles'); $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/'); }]) .run(['$rootScope', '$transitions', 'AppUtilsBusiness', 'ssSideNav', '$translate', 'luRequest', '$mdDialog', 'luNotificationsBusiness', '$mdToast', '$state', 'articlesBusiness', function ($rootScope, $transitions, AppUtilsBusiness, ssSideNav, $translate, luRequest, $mdDialog, luNotificationsBusiness, $mdToast, $state, articlesBusiness) { AppUtilsBusiness.addApiVersionChangedCallback(function(oldVersion, newVersion) { $mdDialog.show( $mdDialog.alert() .title(AppUtilsBusiness.tr('common.updateDetected.title')) .textContent(AppUtilsBusiness.tr('common.updateDetected.text', {oldVersion: oldVersion, newVersion: newVersion})) .ok(AppUtilsBusiness.tr('common.ok'))); }); luNotificationsBusiness.init({ 'articles': articlesBusiness }); addCrudNotifications(luNotificationsBusiness, AppUtilsBusiness, $mdToast, $state, 'articles'); $translate('common.appName').then(function() { for (var i = 0; i < ssSideNav.sections.length; ++i) { var a = ssSideNav.sections[i]; a.name = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(a.name); if (a.children != null) { for (var j = 0; j < a.children.length; ++j) { var b = a.children[j]; b.name = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(b.name); if (b.pages != null) { for (var k = 0; k < b.pages.length; ++k) { var c = b.pages[k]; c.name = AppUtilsBusiness.tr(c.name); } } } } } }, function (error) { console.error(error); }); $transitions.onEnter({}, function($transitions) { var toState = $transitions.$to(); var title = toState.title != null ? toState.title : toState.toolbarTitle != null ? toState.toolbarTitle : null; var toolbarTitle = toState.toolbarTitle != null ? toState.toolbarTitle : toState.title != null ? toState.title : null; $translate('common.appName').then(function() { if (title != null) { AppUtilsBusiness.setTitle(AppUtilsBusiness.tr(title)); } if (toolbarTitle != null) { AppUtilsBusiness.setToolbarTitle(AppUtilsBusiness.tr(toolbarTitle)); } }, function (error) { console.error(error); }); }); }]);