package com.uqac.rthoni.java_rmi; import; /** * Created by robin on 9/15/16. */ public class Main { public static void usage(String name, boolean error) { PrintStream printStream = (error ? System.err : System.out); printStream.println("Usage:"); printStream.println(String.format("%1s server port source_dir class_dir log_file", name)); printStream.println("\tPut the program in server mode"); printStream.println("\tport: the port to listen on [1-65535]"); printStream.println("\tsource_dir: the folder to search for java files"); printStream.println("\tclass_dir: the folder to build java files"); printStream.println("\tlog_file: the file to log events"); printStream.println(String.format("%1s client hostname port input_file output_file", name)); printStream.println("\tPut the program in client mode"); printStream.println("\thost: the remote server ip or hostname"); printStream.println("\tport: the port to connect on [1-65535]"); printStream.println("\tinput_file: the command file to use"); printStream.println("\toutput_file: the file to output command results"); printStream.println(String.format("%1s --help", name)); printStream.println(String.format("%1s -h", name)); printStream.println("\tPrint this help and exit"); if (error) { System.exit(64); } } private static int getPort(String name, String str) { int port = 0; try { port = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (Exception e) { usage(name, true); } if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { usage(name, true); } return port; } public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "java-rmi"; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("--help") || arg.equals("-h")) { usage(name, false); } } if (args.length != 5) { usage(name, true); } String mode = args[0]; if (mode.equals("server")) { int port = getPort(name, args[1]); String sourceDir = args[2]; String classDir = args[3]; String logFile = args[4]; System.out.println("Hello World! server"); } else if (mode.equals("client")) { String host = args[1]; int port = getPort(name, args[2]); String inputFile = args[3]; String outputFile = args[4]; System.out.println("Hello World! client"); } else { usage(name, true); } System.exit(0); } }