sitegen ======= CLI tool to build web site configuration and obtain SSL certificates from letsencrypt using certbot. Also provide a simpler way to request SSL certificate over certbot. Installation ------------ ``` #Install from pip pip2 install sitegencli #Install from sources python2 install ``` Configuration ------------- Configuration must be copied from `/usr/local/etc/sitegen` to `/etc/sitegen`: sitegen.json looks like: ``` { "siteConfDir": "/etc/apache2/sites-available/", "siteDir": "/var/", "confDir": "/etc/sitegen/", "certRenewTime": 5356800, "letsencryptCommands": [ { "patterns": [ "", "*" ], "command": { "letsencryptCommand": "certbot", "letsencryptArgs": [ "--agree-tos", "--text", "--renew-by-default", "--webroot", "--webroot-path", "/tmp/acme-challenge/", "certonly" ] } }, { "patterns": "*", "command": { "letsencryptCommand": "certbot", "letsencryptArgs": [ "--agree-tos", "--text", "--renew-by-default", "--authenticator", "certbot-pdns:auth", "certonly" ] } } ], "letsencryptDir": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/", "certDir": "/etc/ssl/private/" } ``` Configuration keys: - siteConfDir: Apache available sites folder. - siteDir: Where to put new site document root folder. - confDir: Sitegen configuration folder - certRenewTime: Number of seconds before SSL certificate expiration - letsencryptCommands: Commands to be used to generate SSL certificates - patterns: Fnmatch patterns to select command from domain name - command: The command to be executed to generate the certificate - letsencryptCommand: Command name - letsencryptArgs: Command arguments - letsencryptDir: The root directory used by letsencrypt (certbot) - certDir: Where to put symlink to certificate files Usage ----- Generate a site with SSL: ``` sitegen --site-create ``` Request a SSL certificate: ``` sitegen --cert-request ``` See `sitegen --help` for more.