#!/bin/sh # If the httpclient and logging jars are not in the standard directories # edit and uncomment # CP='-cp /usr/local/lib/commons-httpclient-2.0-rc1.jar:/usr/local/lib/commons-logging-api.jar:/usr/local/lib/commons-logging.jar' # Edit and uncomment to use an alternate port # PORT='-DT2hproxy.port=1069' PREFIX='-DT2hproxy.prefix=http://localhost/' # Edit and uncomment to use a proxy # PROXY='-DT2hproxy.proxy=localhost:3128' # These T2hproxy properties can be put in a file and read in all at once # PROPERTIES='-DT2hproxy.properties=t2hproxy.prop exec java -jar $CP $PORT $PREFIX $PROXY $PROPERTIES T2hproxy.jar