#include "realmode.h" #include "console.h" #include "disk.h" #include "bios_disks.h" #warning "This file is obsolete" #if 0 #define CF ( 1 << 0 ) #define BIOS_DISK_NONE 0 /* * Reset the disk system using INT 13,0. Forces both hard disks and * floppy disks to seek back to track 0. * */ static void bios_disk_init ( void ) { REAL_EXEC ( rm_bios_disk_init, "sti\n\t" "xorw %%ax,%%ax\n\t" "movb $0x80,%%dl\n\t" "int $0x13\n\t" "cli\n\t", 0, OUT_CONSTRAINTS (), IN_CONSTRAINTS (), CLOBBER ( "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "ebp", "esi", "edi" ) ); } /* * Read a single sector from a disk using INT 13,2. * * Returns the BIOS status code (%ah) - 0 indicates success. * Automatically retries up to three times to allow time for floppy * disks to spin up, calling bios_disk_init() after each failure. * */ static unsigned int bios_disk_read ( struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk, unsigned int cylinder, unsigned int head, unsigned int sector, struct bios_disk_sector *buf ) { uint16_t basemem_buf, ax, flags; unsigned int status, discard_c, discard_d; int retry = 3; basemem_buf = BASEMEM_PARAMETER_INIT ( *buf ); do { REAL_EXEC ( rm_bios_disk_read, "sti\n\t" "movw $0x0201, %%ax\n\t" /* Read a single sector */ "int $0x13\n\t" "pushfw\n\t" "popw %%bx\n\t" "cli\n\t", 4, OUT_CONSTRAINTS ( "=a" ( ax ), "=b" ( flags ), "=c" ( discard_c ), "=d" ( discard_d ) ), IN_CONSTRAINTS ( "c" ( ( (cylinder & 0xff) << 8 ) | ( (cylinder >> 8) & 0x3 ) | sector ), "d" ( ( head << 8 ) | bios_disk->drive ), "b" ( basemem_buf ) ), CLOBBER ( "ebp", "esi", "edi" ) ); status = ( flags & CF ) ? ( ax >> 8 ) : 0; } while ( ( status != 0 ) && ( bios_disk_init(), retry-- ) ); BASEMEM_PARAMETER_DONE ( *buf ); return status; } /* * Increment a bus_loc structure to the next possible BIOS disk * location. Leave the structure zeroed and return 0 if there are no * more valid locations. * */ static int bios_disk_next_location ( struct bus_loc *bus_loc ) { struct bios_disk_loc *bios_disk_loc = ( struct bios_disk_loc * ) bus_loc; /* * Ensure that there is sufficient space in the shared bus * structures for a struct bios_disk_loc and a struct * bios_disk_dev, as mandated by bus.h. * */ BUS_LOC_CHECK ( struct bios_disk_loc ); BUS_DEV_CHECK ( struct bios_disk_device ); return ( ++bios_disk_loc->drive ); } /* * Fill in parameters for a BIOS disk device based on drive number * */ static int bios_disk_fill_device ( struct bus_dev *bus_dev, struct bus_loc *bus_loc ) { struct bios_disk_loc *bios_disk_loc = ( struct bios_disk_loc * ) bus_loc; struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk = ( struct bios_disk_device * ) bus_dev; uint16_t flags; /* Store drive in struct bios_disk_device */ bios_disk->drive = bios_disk_loc->drive; REAL_EXEC ( rm_bios_disk_exists, "sti\n\t" "movb $0x15, %%ah\n\t" "int $0x13\n\t" "pushfw\n\t" "popw %%dx\n\t" "movb %%ah, %%al\n\t" "cli\n\t", 2, OUT_CONSTRAINTS ( "=a" ( bios_disk->type ), "=d" ( flags ) ), IN_CONSTRAINTS ( "d" ( bios_disk->drive ) ), CLOBBER ( "ebx", "ecx", "esi", "edi", "ebp" ) ); if ( ( flags & CF ) || ( bios_disk->type == BIOS_DISK_NONE ) ) return 0; DBG ( "BIOS disk found valid drive %hhx\n", bios_disk->drive ); return 1; } /* * Test whether or not a driver is capable of driving the device. * */ static int bios_disk_check_driver ( struct bus_dev *bus_dev, struct device_driver *device_driver ) { struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk = ( struct bios_disk_device * ) bus_dev; struct bios_disk_driver *driver = ( struct bios_disk_driver * ) device_driver->bus_driver_info; /* Compare against driver's valid ID range */ if ( ( bios_disk->drive >= driver->min_drive ) && ( bios_disk->drive <= driver->max_drive ) ) { driver->fill_drive_name ( bios_disk->name, bios_disk->drive ); DBG ( "BIOS disk found drive %hhx (\"%s\") " "matching driver %s\n", bios_disk->drive, bios_disk->name, driver->name ); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Describe a BIOS disk device * */ static char * bios_disk_describe_device ( struct bus_dev *bus_dev ) { struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk = ( struct bios_disk_device * ) bus_dev; static char bios_disk_description[] = "BIOS disk 00"; sprintf ( bios_disk_description + 10, "%hhx", bios_disk->drive ); return bios_disk_description; } /* * Name a BIOS disk device * */ static const char * bios_disk_name_device ( struct bus_dev *bus_dev ) { struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk = ( struct bios_disk_device * ) bus_dev; return bios_disk->name; } /* * BIOS disk bus operations table * */ struct bus_driver bios_disk_driver __bus_driver = { .name = "BIOS DISK", .next_location = bios_disk_next_location, .fill_device = bios_disk_fill_device, .check_driver = bios_disk_check_driver, .describe_device = bios_disk_describe_device, .name_device = bios_disk_name_device, }; /* * Fill in a disk structure * */ void bios_disk_fill_disk ( struct disk *disk __unused, struct bios_disk_device *bios_disk __unused ) { } #endif