# dhcpd.conf include file for Etherboot # # Include this file from your /etc/dhcpd.conf # $Id$ # Definition of Etherboot options # (taken from vendortags.html) # We use an encapsulated option space to avoid polluting the site-local DHCP option space # option space etherboot; option etherboot-encapsulated-options code 150 = encapsulate etherboot; # Definition of option codes within the etherboot-encapsulated-options space # option etherboot.extensions-path code 18 = string; option etherboot.magic code 128 = string; option etherboot.kernel-cmdline code 129 = string; option etherboot.menu-opts code 160 = string; option etherboot.nic-dev-id code 175 = string; option etherboot.menu-selection code 176 = unsigned integer 8; option etherboot.motd-1 code 184 = string; option etherboot.motd-2 code 185 = string; option etherboot.motd-3 code 186 = string; option etherboot.motd-4 code 187 = string; option etherboot.motd-5 code 188 = string; option etherboot.motd-6 code 189 = string; option etherboot.motd-7 code 190 = string; option etherboot.motd-8 code 191 = string; option etherboot.image-1 code 192 = string; option etherboot.image-2 code 193 = string; option etherboot.image-3 code 194 = string; option etherboot.image-4 code 195 = string; option etherboot.image-5 code 196 = string; option etherboot.image-6 code 197 = string; option etherboot.image-7 code 198 = string; option etherboot.image-8 code 199 = string; option etherboot.image-9 code 200 = string; option etherboot.image-10 code 201 = string; option etherboot.image-11 code 202 = string; option etherboot.image-12 code 203 = string; option etherboot.image-13 code 204 = string; option etherboot.image-14 code 205 = string; option etherboot.image-15 code 206 = string; option etherboot.image-16 code 207 = string; option etherboot.kmod code 254 = string; # Legacy support for Etherboot options as site-local options (i.e. non-encapsulated) # Note: options defined after the switch to encapsulated options should not be defined here # option legacy-etherboot-magic code 128 = string; option legacy-etherboot-kernel-cmdline code 129 = string; option legacy-etherboot-menu-opts code 160 = string; option legacy-etherboot-menu-selection code 176 = unsigned integer 8; option legacy-etherboot-motd-1 code 184 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-2 code 185 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-3 code 186 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-4 code 187 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-5 code 188 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-6 code 189 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-7 code 190 = string; option legacy-etherboot-motd-8 code 191 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-1 code 192 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-2 code 193 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-3 code 194 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-4 code 195 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-5 code 196 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-6 code 197 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-7 code 198 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-8 code 199 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-9 code 200 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-10 code 201 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-11 code 202 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-12 code 203 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-13 code 204 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-14 code 205 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-15 code 206 = string; option legacy-etherboot-image-16 code 207 = string; # Apply Etherboot options only for Etherboot clients # if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" { # We must specify this value for etherboot-magic, or Etherboot will # ignore all other options. # option etherboot.magic E4:45:74:68:00:00; # Bootfile name: derive from etherboot.kmod (calculated below) # Use boot.nbi if no NIC_DEV_ID option present # (i.e. if etherboot.kmod doesn't get set) # Also pass filename back in filename field # option bootfile-name = pick-first-value ( concat ( "boot-", config-option etherboot.kmod, ".nbi" ), "boot.nbi" ) ; filename = config-option bootfile-name; # "Sensible" default values for some options # Mount devfs (will probably be needed for a network-boot) option etherboot.kernel-cmdline " devfs=mount"; # Info message (includes client IP address, MAC address, hardware ID string, # server IP address and name of boot file) option etherboot.motd-4 = concat ( "Using Etherboot to boot ", binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", leased-address ), " [", binary-to-ascii ( 16, 8, ":", suffix ( hardware, 6 ) ), "] [", pick-first-value ( option etherboot.nic-dev-id, "unknown card" ), "]", 0d:0a, " from ", binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", option dhcp-server-identifier ), " with file ", config-option tftp-server-name, ":", config-option bootfile-name, " [", pick-first-value ( config-option etherboot.kmod, "unknown module" ), "]", 0d:0a ); # Legacy site-local option support # If client does not include an etherboot-encapsulated-options field in its DHCPREQUEST, then # it will not understand etherboot-encapsulated-options in the DHCPACK and so we must send # back the options as site-local options (i.e. not encapsulated). # Note: we need do this only for options that existed prior to the switch to encapsulation. # if not exists etherboot-encapsulated-options { option legacy-etherboot-magic = config-option etherboot.magic; option legacy-etherboot-kernel-cmdline = config-option etherboot.kernel-cmdline; option legacy-etherboot-menu-opts = config-option etherboot.menu-opts; option legacy-etherboot-menu-selection = config-option etherboot.menu-selection; option legacy-etherboot-motd-1 = config-option etherboot.motd-1; option legacy-etherboot-motd-2 = config-option etherboot.motd-2; option legacy-etherboot-motd-3 = config-option etherboot.motd-3; option legacy-etherboot-motd-4 = config-option etherboot.motd-4; option legacy-etherboot-motd-5 = config-option etherboot.motd-5; option legacy-etherboot-motd-6 = config-option etherboot.motd-6; option legacy-etherboot-motd-7 = config-option etherboot.motd-7; option legacy-etherboot-motd-8 = config-option etherboot.motd-8; option legacy-etherboot-image-1 = config-option etherboot.image-1; option legacy-etherboot-image-2 = config-option etherboot.image-2; option legacy-etherboot-image-3 = config-option etherboot.image-3; option legacy-etherboot-image-4 = config-option etherboot.image-4; option legacy-etherboot-image-5 = config-option etherboot.image-5; option legacy-etherboot-image-6 = config-option etherboot.image-6; option legacy-etherboot-image-7 = config-option etherboot.image-7; option legacy-etherboot-image-8 = config-option etherboot.image-8; option legacy-etherboot-image-9 = config-option etherboot.image-9; option legacy-etherboot-image-10 = config-option etherboot.image-10; option legacy-etherboot-image-11 = config-option etherboot.image-11; option legacy-etherboot-image-12 = config-option etherboot.image-12; option legacy-etherboot-image-13 = config-option etherboot.image-13; option legacy-etherboot-image-14 = config-option etherboot.image-14; option legacy-etherboot-image-15 = config-option etherboot.image-15; option legacy-etherboot-image-16 = config-option etherboot.image-16; } } # Some options should be set for both Etherboot and the udhcpc client # if ( ( substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" ) or ( substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 5 ) = "udhcp" ) ) { # TFTP server defaults to DHCP server and is specified in both # next-server field and tftp-server-name option field # option tftp-server-name = binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, ".", config-option dhcp-server-identifier ); server-name = config-option tftp-server-name; next-server = config-option dhcp-server-identifier; # Root path defaults to root of TFTP server option root-path = concat ( config-option tftp-server-name, ":/" ); # A fallback hostname, generated from the IP address option host-name = concat ( "client_", binary-to-ascii ( 10, 8, "_", leased-address ) ); } # Force some items onto parameter request list for udhcp # if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 5 ) = "udhcp" { # Forcibly add root-path to list option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat ( option dhcp-parameter-request-list, 11 ); } # Etherboot sends a string to identify the NIC in etherboot.nic-dev-id. # For PCI NICs, this string is of the form "PCI:vvvv:dddd" where vvvv is the # vendor identifier and dddd the device identifier, in lower-case ASCII hex. # For ISA NICs, the format of the string is "ISA:..." where ... is not yet # decided upon. # # We use the identifier to select the NBI image that will be specified via # the "bootfile-name" option. # # PCI NICs - use PCI vendor and device IDs # Listed in file generated by mknbi-set # include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include"; # ISA NICs # if substring ( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "Etherboot" { if exists etherboot.nic-dev-id { } }