# Installation ## .env - Setup `ALL_TZ` to the current timezone - Set `ALL_RESTART_POLICY` to `unless-stopped` ## Generate Root and Intermediate CA ```shell mkdir -p data/step-ca/home/secrets echo 'change_it' > data/step-ca/home/secrets/password chmod 600 data/step-ca/home/secrets/password chown -R 1000:1000 data/step-ca/home docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`/data/step-ca/home:/home/step smallstep/step-ca:0.15.6 step ca init --ssh --address '' --provisioner 'admin-provisioner' --password-file 'secrets/password' --dns ',localhost,pki.example.com' --name 'Example Inc.' ``` ## Active Directory - Install AD-CS as Subordinate CA - Generate private key using the wizard - Finish the setup - Copy the generated csr to `data/step-ca/home/certs` - Run on the `step-ca` container ```shell step certificate sign --profile intermediate-ca certs/ad.csr certs/root_ca.crt secrets/root_ca_key ``` Note: `step` might complaint if there's an emtpy trailing line at the end of the CSR - Copy the generated certificate on stdout AND `certs/root_ca.crt` somewhere to the AD-CS server - Run on the AD-CS server ```shell certutil -installcert C:\cert.crt # Install the signed certificate in AD-CS certutil -f -dspublish C:\root.crt RootCA # Publish the root CA in AD ``` - Optionally remove the root and intermediate certificates files as they now imported in the store - Start AD-CS