'canLogout' => true
var $config = array(
'host' => '',
'admin_group' => null,
'adminUser' => null,
'user_group' => null,
'container' => 'CN=Users',
'domain' => 'internal.local',
'filter' => '(&(objectclass=User)(objectCategory=Person))'
* Constructor
* @param array $userConfig - user configuration for this module
function phpvbAuthActiveDirectory($userConfig = null) {
// Merge user config
if($userConfig) {
$this->config = array_merge($this->config,$userConfig);
* Test log in and set $_SESSION vars
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @see phpvbAuth::login()
function login($username, $password)
global $_SESSION;
* Check for LDAP functionality and provide some direction
if(!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
$ex = 'LDAP support is not enabled in your PHP configuration.';
if(strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
preg_match('/Loaded Configuration File <\/td>
(.*?)\s*', $phpinfo, $phpinfo);
$ex .= ' You probably just need to uncomment the line ;extension=php_ldap.dll in php.ini'.
(count($phpinfo) > 1 ? ' (' .trim($phpinfo[1]).')' : '') . ' by removing the ";" and restart your web server.';
} else if(strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 5)) == 'Linux') {
$ex .= ' You probably need to install the php5-ldap (or similar depending on your distribution) package and restart your web server.';
throw new Exception($ex);
$_SESSION['valid'] = false;
// Connect to server
if(!($auth = ldap_connect($this->config['host']))) {
throw new Exception('Active Directory error ('.ldap_errno($auth).') ' . ldap_error($auth));
// Set relevant LDAP options
ldap_set_option($auth,LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
// Main login /bind
if(!($bind = @ldap_bind($auth, $username . "@" .$this->config['domain'], $password))) {
if(ldap_errno($auth) == 49) return false;
throw new Exception('Active Directory error ('.ldap_errno($auth).') ' . ldap_error($auth));
// Get user information from AD
// Set filter and sanitize username before sending it to AD
$filter = "(sAMAccountName=" .
str_replace(array(',','=','+','<','>',';','\\','"','#','(',')','*',chr(0)), '', $username) . ")";
if($this->config['filter'] && false) {
$filter = '(&'. $this->config['filter'] .' ('. $filter .'))';
$result = @ldap_search($auth,
$this->config['container'] . ',DC=' . join(',DC=', explode('.', $this->config['domain'])),
$filter, array("memberof","useraccountcontrol"));
if(!result) throw new Exception ("Unable to search Active Directory server: " . ldap_error($auth));
@list($entries) = @ldap_get_entries($auth, $result);
if(!$entries) {
throw new Exception("Permission denied");
// Check for disabled user
if((intval($entries['useraccountcontrol'][0]) & 2)) {
throw new Exception('This account is disabled in Active Directory.');
// check for valid admin group
if($this->config['admin_group']) {
foreach($entries['memberof'] as $group) {
list($group) = explode(',', $group);
if(strtolower($group) == strtolower('cn='.$this->config['admin_group'])) {
$_SESSION['admin'] = $_SESSION['valid'] = true;
// Admin user explicitly set?
if(!$_SESSION['admin'] && $this->config['adminUser']) {
$_SESSION['admin'] = (strtolower($this->config['adminUser']) == strtolower($username));
// Admin is ok
$_SESSION['valid'] = ($_SESSION['admin'] || $_SESSION['valid']);
// check for valid user group
if($this->config['user_group'] && !$_SESSION['valid']) {
foreach($entries['memberof'] as $group) {
list($group) = explode(',', $group);
if(strtolower($group) == strtolower('cn='.$this->config['user_group'])) {
$_SESSION['valid'] = true;
} else {
$_SESSION['valid'] = true;
throw new Exception("Permission denied");
// Admin user explicitly set?
if(!$_SESSION['admin'] && $this->config['adminUser']) {
$_SESSION['admin'] = (strtolower($this->config['adminUser']) == strtolower($username));
// No admin information specified makes everyone an admin
if(!$this->config['adminUser'] && !$this->config['admin_group'])
$_SESSION['admin'] = true;
// user has permission. establish session variables
$_SESSION['user'] = $username;
$_SESSION['authCheckHeartbeat'] = time();
return true;
function heartbeat($vbox)
global $_SESSION;
$_SESSION['valid'] = true;
$_SESSION['authCheckHeartbeat'] = time();
function changePassword($old, $new)
function logout(&$response)
global $_SESSION;
if(function_exists('session_destroy')) session_destroy();
else unset($_SESSION['valid']);
$response['data']['result'] = 1;
function listUsers()
function updateUser($vboxRequest, $skipExistCheck)
function deleteUser($user)