for more details. * * Copyright 2007-2009 Rejo Zenger * Copyright 2010-2017 Poweradmin Development Team * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* PERMISSIONS */ define("ERR_PERM_SEARCH", _("You do not have the permission to perform searches.")); define("ERR_PERM_ADD_RECORD", _("You do not have the permission to add a record to this zone.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_RECORD", _("You do not have the permission to edit this record.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_RECORD_SOA", _("You do not have the permission to edit this SOA record.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_RECORD_NS", _("You do not have the permission to edit this NS record.")); define("ERR_PERM_VIEW_RECORD", _("You do not have the permission to view this record.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_RECORD", _("You do not have the permission to delete this record.")); define("ERR_PERM_ADD_ZONE_MASTER", _("You do not have the permission to add a master zone.")); define("ERR_PERM_ADD_ZONE_SLAVE", _("You do not have the permission to add a slave zone.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_ZONE", _("You do not have the permission to delete a zone.")); define("ERR_PERM_VIEW_COMMENT", _("You do not have the permission to view this comment.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_COMMENT", _("You do not have the permission to edit this comment.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_SM", _("You do not have the permission to delete a supermaster.")); define("ERR_PERM_VIEW_ZONE", _("You do not have the permission to view this zone.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_USER", _("You do not have the permission to edit this user.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_PERM_TEMPL", _("You do not have the permission to edit permission templates.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_PERM_TEMPL", _("You do not have the permission to delete permission templates.")); define("ERR_PERM_ADD_USER", _("You do not have the permission to add a new user.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_USER", _("You do not have the permission to delete this user.")); define("ERR_PERM_EDIT_ZONE_TEMPL", _("You do not have the permission to edit zone templates.")); define("ERR_PERM_DEL_ZONE_TEMPL", _("You do not have the permission to delete zone templates.")); define("ERR_PERM_ADD_ZONE_TEMPL", _("You do not have the permission to add a zone template.")); /* DOMAIN STUFF */ define("ERR_DOMAIN_INVALID", _('This is an invalid zone name.')); define("ERR_SM_EXISTS", _('There is already a supermaster with this IP address and hostname.')); define("ERR_DOMAIN_EXISTS", _('There is already a zone with this name.')); /* USER STUFF */ define("ERR_USER_EXIST", _('Username exist already, please choose another one.')); define("ERR_USER_NOT_EXIST", _('User does not exist.')); define("ERR_USER_WRONG_CURRENT_PASS", _('You did not enter the correct current password.')); define("ERR_USER_MATCH_NEW_PASS", _('The two new password fields do not match.')); define("ERR_PERM_TEMPL_ASSIGNED", _('This template is assigned to at least one user.')); /* OTHER */ define("ERR_INV_INPUT", _('Invalid or unexpected input given.')); define("ERR_INV_ARG", _('Invalid argument(s) given to function %s')); define("ERR_INV_ARGC", _('Invalid argument(s) given to function %s %s')); define("ERR_UNKNOWN", _('Unknown error.')); define("ERR_INV_EMAIL", _('Enter a valid email address.')); define("ERR_ZONE_NOT_EXIST", _('There is no zone with this ID.')); define("ERR_REVERS_ZONE_NOT_EXIST", _('There is no matching reverse-zone for: %s.')); define("ERR_ZONE_TEMPL_NOT_EXIST", _('There is no zone template with this ID.')); define("ERR_INSTALL_DIR_EXISTS", _('The install/ directory exists, you must remove it first before proceeding.')); define("ERR_ZONE_TEMPL_EXIST", _('Zone template with this name already exists, please choose another one.')); define("ERR_ZONE_TEMPL_IS_EMPTY", _('Template name can\'t be an empty string.')); define("ERR_DEFAULT_CRYPTOKEY_USED", _('Default session encryption key is used, please set it in your configuration file.')); define("ERR_LOCALE_FAILURE", _('Failed to set locale. Selected locale may be unsupported on this system. Please contact your administrator.')); define("ERR_ZONE_UPD", _('Zone has not been updated successfully.')); define("ERR_EXEC_NOT_ALLOWED", _('Failed to call function exec. Make sure that exec is not listed in disable_functions at php.ini')); /* DATABASE */ define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_NAME", _('No database name has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_HOST", _('No database host has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_USER", _('No database username has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_PASS", _('No database password has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_TYPE", _('No or unknown database type has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_FILE", _('No database file has been set in')); define("ERR_DB_NO_DB_UPDATE", _('It seems that you forgot to update the database after Poweradmin upgrade to new version.')); define("ERR_DB_UNK_TYPE", _('Unknown database type.')); /* DNS */ define("ERR_DNS_CONTENT", _('Your content field doesnt have a legit value.')); define("ERR_DNS_HOSTNAME", _('Invalid hostname.')); define("ERR_DNS_HN_INV_CHARS", _('You have invalid characters in your hostname.')); define("ERR_DNS_HN_DASH", _('A hostname can not start or end with a dash.')); define("ERR_DNS_HN_LENGTH", _('Given hostname or one of the labels is too short or too long.')); define("ERR_DNS_HN_SLASH", _('Given hostname has too many slashes.')); define("ERR_DNS_RR_TYPE", _('Unknown record type.')); define("ERR_DNS_IP", _('This is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.')); define("ERR_DNS_IPV6", _('This is not a valid IPv6 address.')); define("ERR_DNS_IPV4", _('This is not a valid IPv4 address.')); define("ERR_DNS_CNAME", _('This is not a valid CNAME. Did you assign an MX or NS record to the record?')); define("ERR_DNS_CNAME_EXISTS", _('This is not a valid record. There is already exists a CNAME with this name.')); define("ERR_DNS_CNAME_UNIQUE", _('This is not a valid CNAME. There is already exists an A, AAAA or CNAME with this name.')); define("ERR_DNS_CNAME_EMPTY", _('Empty CNAME records are not allowed.')); define("ERR_DNS_NON_ALIAS_TARGET", _('You can not point a NS or MX record to a CNAME record. Remove or rame the CNAME record first, or take another name.')); define("ERR_DNS_NS_HNAME", _('NS records must be a hostnames.')); define("ERR_DNS_MX_PRIO", _('A prio field should be numeric.')); define("ERR_DNS_SOA_NAME", _('Invalid value for name field of SOA record. It should be the name of the zone.')); define("ERR_DNS_SOA_MNAME", _('You have an error in the MNAME field of the SOA record.')); define("ERR_DNS_HINFO_INV_CONTENT", _('Invalid value for content field of HINFO record.')); define("ERR_DNS_HN_TOO_LONG", _('The hostname is too long.')); define("ERR_DNS_INV_TLD", _('You are using an invalid top level domain.')); define("ERR_DNS_INV_TTL", _('Invalid value for TTL field. It should be numeric.')); define("ERR_DNS_INV_PRIO", _('Invalid value for prio field. It should be numeric.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_NAME_SERVICE", _('Invalid service value in name field of SRV record.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_NAME_PROTO", _('Invalid protocol value in name field of SRV record.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_NAME", _('Invalid FQDN value in name field of SRV record.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_WGHT", _('Invalid value for the priority field of the SRV record.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_PORT", _('Invalid value for the weight field of the SRV record.')); define("ERR_DNS_SRV_TRGT", _('Invalid SRV target.')); define("ERR_DNS_PRINTABLE", _('Invalid characters have been used in this record.')); /* DNSSEC */ define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC', _('Failed to call pdnssec utility.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_ADD_ZONE_KEY', _('Failed to add new DNSSEC key.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_DISABLE_ZONE', _('Failed to deactivate DNSSEC keys.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_SECURE_ZONE', _('Failed to secure zone.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_SHOW_ZONE', _('Failed to get DNSSEC key details.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_RECTIFY_ZONE', _('Failed to rectify zone.')); define('ERR_EXEC_PDNSSEC_PRESIGNED_ZONE', _('Failed to change presigned mode')); define('ERR_PDNSSEC_DEL_ZONE_KEY', _('Failed to delete DNSSEC key.')); /* GOOD! */ define("SUC_ZONE_ADD", _('Zone has been added successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_DEL", _('Zone has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONES_DEL", _('Zones have been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_UPD", _('Zone has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_NOCHANGE", _('Zone did not have any record changes.')); define("SUC_ZONES_UPD", _('Zones have been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_USER_UPD", _('The user has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_USER_ADD", _('The user has been created successfully.')); define("SUC_USER_DEL", _('The user has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_RECORD_UPD", _('The record has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_RECORD_DEL", _('The record has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_COMMENT_UPD", _('The comment has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_SM_DEL", _('The supermaster has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_SM_ADD", _('The supermaster has been added successfully.')); define("SUC_PERM_TEMPL_ADD", _('The permission template has been added successfully.')); define("SUC_PERM_TEMPL_UPD", _('The permission template has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_PERM_TEMPL_DEL", _('The permission template has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_TEMPL_ADD", _('Zone template has been added successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_TEMPL_UPD", _('Zone template has been updated successfully.')); define("SUC_ZONE_TEMPL_DEL", _('Zone template has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_EXEC_PDNSSEC_RECTIFY_ZONE", _('Zone has been rectified successfully.')); define("SUC_EXEC_PDNSSEC_ADD_ZONE_KEY", _('Zone key has been added successfully.')); define("SUC_EXEC_PDNSSEC_REMOVE_ZONE_KEY", _('Zone key has been deleted successfully.')); define("SUC_EXEC_PDNSSEC_ACTIVATE_ZONE_KEY", _('Zone key has been successfully activated.')); define("SUC_EXEC_PDNSSEC_DEACTIVATE_ZONE_KEY", _('Zone key has been successfully deactivated.')); /** Print error message ( * * @param string $msg Error message * @param string $name Offending DNS record name * * @return null */ function error($msg, $name = null) { if ($name == null) { echo "
Error: " . $msg . "
\n"; } else { echo "
Error: " . $msg . " (Record: " . $name . ")
\n"; } }