smarty->compile_check) || $tpl->smarty->compile_check == 1) ) { // check file dependencies at compiled code foreach ($properties['file_dependency'] as $_file_to_check) { if ($_file_to_check[2] == 'file' || $_file_to_check[2] == 'extends' || $_file_to_check[2] == 'php') { if ($tpl->source->filepath == $_file_to_check[0]) { // do not recheck current template continue; //$mtime = $tpl->source->getTimeStamp(); } else { // file and php types can be checked without loading the respective resource handlers $mtime = is_file($_file_to_check[0]) ? filemtime($_file_to_check[0]) : false; } } elseif ($_file_to_check[2] == 'string') { continue; } else { $handler = Smarty_Resource::load($tpl->smarty, $_file_to_check[2]); if ($handler->checkTimestamps()) { $source = Smarty_Template_Source::load($tpl, $tpl->smarty, $_file_to_check[ 0 ]); $mtime = $source->getTimeStamp(); } else { continue; } } if (!$mtime || $mtime > $_file_to_check[1]) { $is_valid = false; break; } } } if ($cache) { // CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED cache expiry has to be validated here since otherwise we'd define the unifunc if ($tpl->caching === Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED && $properties['cache_lifetime'] >= 0 && (time() > ($tpl->cached->timestamp + $properties['cache_lifetime'])) ) { $is_valid = false; } $tpl->cached->cache_lifetime = $properties['cache_lifetime']; $tpl->cached->valid = $is_valid; $resource = $tpl->cached; } else { $tpl->mustCompile = !$is_valid; $resource = $tpl->compiled; $resource->includes = isset($properties['includes']) ? $properties['includes'] : array(); } if ($is_valid) { $resource->unifunc = $properties['unifunc']; $resource->has_nocache_code = $properties['has_nocache_code']; // $tpl->compiled->nocache_hash = $properties['nocache_hash']; $resource->file_dependency = $properties['file_dependency']; if (isset($properties['tpl_function'])) { $tpl->tpl_function = $properties['tpl_function']; } } return $is_valid && !function_exists($properties['unifunc']); } }