<?php /** * Smarty Method ClearCompiledTemplate * * Smarty::clearCompiledTemplate() method * * @package Smarty * @subpackage PluginsInternal * @author Uwe Tews */ class Smarty_Internal_Method_ClearCompiledTemplate { /** * Valid for Smarty object * * @var int */ public $objMap = 1; /** * Delete compiled template file * * @api Smarty::clearCompiledTemplate() * @link http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/api.clear.compiled.template.tpl * * @param \Smarty $smarty * @param string $resource_name template name * @param string $compile_id compile id * @param integer $exp_time expiration time * * @return integer number of template files deleted */ public function clearCompiledTemplate(Smarty $smarty, $resource_name = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null) { $_compile_dir = $smarty->getCompileDir(); if ($_compile_dir == '/') { //We should never want to delete this! return 0; } $_compile_id = isset($compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w]+!', '_', $compile_id) : null; $_dir_sep = $smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^'; if (isset($resource_name)) { $_save_stat = $smarty->caching; $smarty->caching = false; /* @var Smarty_Internal_Template $tpl */ $tpl = new $smarty->template_class($resource_name, $smarty); $smarty->caching = $_save_stat; if ($tpl->source->exists) { // remove from compileds cache $tpl->source->compileds = array(); $_resource_part_1 = basename(str_replace('^', DS, $tpl->compiled->filepath)); $_resource_part_1_length = strlen($_resource_part_1); } else { return 0; } $_resource_part_2 = str_replace('.php', '.cache.php', $_resource_part_1); $_resource_part_2_length = strlen($_resource_part_2); } $_dir = $_compile_dir; if ($smarty->use_sub_dirs && isset($_compile_id)) { $_dir .= $_compile_id . $_dir_sep; } if (isset($_compile_id)) { $_compile_id_part = $_compile_dir . $_compile_id . $_dir_sep; $_compile_id_part_length = strlen($_compile_id_part); } $_count = 0; try { $_compileDirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir); // NOTE: UnexpectedValueException thrown for PHP >= 5.3 } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } $_compile = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_compileDirs, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($_compile as $_file) { if (substr(basename($_file->getPathname()), 0, 1) == '.' || strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) { continue; } $_filepath = (string) $_file; if ($_file->isDir()) { if (!$_compile->isDot()) { // delete folder if empty @rmdir($_file->getPathname()); } } else { $unlink = false; if ((!isset($_compile_id) || (isset($_filepath[$_compile_id_part_length]) && $a = !strncmp($_filepath, $_compile_id_part, $_compile_id_part_length))) && (!isset($resource_name) || (isset($_filepath[$_resource_part_1_length]) && substr_compare($_filepath, $_resource_part_1, - $_resource_part_1_length, $_resource_part_1_length) == 0) || (isset($_filepath[$_resource_part_2_length]) && substr_compare($_filepath, $_resource_part_2, - $_resource_part_2_length, $_resource_part_2_length) == 0)) ) { if (isset($exp_time)) { if (time() - @filemtime($_filepath) >= $exp_time) { $unlink = true; } } else { $unlink = true; } } if ($unlink && @unlink($_filepath)) { $_count ++; if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($_filepath); } } } } // clear template objects cache $smarty->_cache['isCached'] = array(); if (isset($smarty->ext->_subtemplate)) { $smarty->ext->_subtemplate->tplObjects = array(); } return $_count; } }