Squirrelmail Plugin Postfixadmin

The Postfixadmin SquirrelMail plugin let users change their virtual alias,
vacation status/message and password if you are using the great postfixadmin
tool from http://high5.net/postfixadmin

Version 0.4.3   2007/08/14

Postfixadmin - Postfixadmin+MySQL/PgSQL plugin for Squirrelmail

Author: Florian Kimmerl <info@spacekoeln.de>
Author: Sam Brookes <sam at pale purple.co.uk>
    - Initial conversion to MDB2
    - Fix SQL Injections etc
Author: David Goodwin <david at pale purple.co.uk>
    - Subsequent tidyup + testing etc
Author: Krzysztof 'Mad Max' Laska - <madmax at riders.pl>
    - Polish Translation.

The Initial Developer of the Original postfixadmin Code is Mischa Peters.
Portions created by Mischa Peters are Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004.
All Rights Reserved.


o SquirrelMail 1.4x

o A working Mail-System "Virtual Domains and Users with postfix+Courier-IMAP+MySQL" (or PostgreSQL) See http://high5.net/howto/

o POSTFIXADMIN version 2.2.0 or higher. See http://sf.net/projects/postfixadmin

o This plugin only uses the postfixadmin database

o Pear MDB2 database abstraction layer - see http://pear.php.net 

o PHP installation with register globals TURNED OFF (huraren on IRC reports that the MDB2 driver isn't happy with it turned on)


See the included file INSTALL


o Probably vulnerable to cross site scripting, certainly when setting the vacation message.

o There may be some remaining SQL injection holes.


-Code Cleanup


Translations are welcome! Send the *.po-File to: david@NO.codepoets.SPAM.co.uk


Thanks to the SquirrelMail team for building such a great app and
for all the work they do to keep it running.

Thanks to high5.net for writing the great Postfixadmin tool