handler_to_use); $module = strtolower($module); $handler = new $this->handler_to_use($this->new); $struct = $handler->getStruct(); foreach (array_keys($struct) as $field) { if ($field == 'created') { $struct[$field]['db_code'] = '{DATE}'; } elseif ($field == 'modified') { $struct[$field]['db_code'] = '{DATECURRENT}'; } else { switch ($struct[$field]['type']) { case 'int': $struct[$field]['db_code'] = '{BIGINT}'; break; case 'bool': $struct[$field]['db_code'] = '{BOOLEAN}'; break; default: $struct[$field]['db_code'] = 'VARCHAR(255) {LATIN1} NOT NULL'; } } } $this->out("For creating a new table with upgrade.php:"); $this->out(""); $this->out('db_query_parsed("'); $this->out(' CREATE TABLE {IF_NOT_EXISTS} " . table_by_key("' . $module . '") . " ('); # TODO: $module is not really correct - $handler->db_table would be foreach (array_keys($struct) as $field) { if ($struct[$field]['not_in_db'] == 0 && $struct[$field]['dont_write_to_db'] == 0) { $this->out(" $field " . $struct[$field]['db_code'] . ","); } } $this->out(" INDEX domain(domain,username), // <--- change as needed"); $this->out(" PRIMARY KEY (" . $handler->getId_field() . ")"); $this->out(' ) {MYISAM} '); $this->out('");'); $this->out(''); $this->hr(); $this->out('For adding fields with upgrade.php:'); $this->out(''); $prev_field = ''; foreach (array_keys($struct) as $field) { if ($struct[$field]['not_in_db'] == 0 && $struct[$field]['dont_write_to_db'] == 0) { $this->out(" _db_add_field('$module', '$field',\t'" . $struct[$field]['db_code'] . "',\t'$prev_field');"); $prev_field = $field; } } $this->out(''); $this->hr(); $this->out('Note that the above is only a template.'); $this->out('You might need to adjust some parts.'); return; } /** * Displays help contents */ public function help() { $module = preg_replace('/Handler$/', '', $this->handler_to_use); $module = strtolower($module); $this->out( "Usage: postfixadmin-cli $module scheme Print the $module database scheme in a way that can be pasted into upgrade.php. " ); $this->_stop(); } } /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */