# bash-preexec.sh -- Bash support for ZSH-like 'preexec' and 'precmd' functions.
# https://github.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec
# 'preexec' functions are executed before each interactive command is
# executed, with the interactive command as its argument.  The 'precmd'
# function is executed before each prompt is displayed.
# Author: Ryan Caloras (ryan@bashhub.com)
# Forked from Original Author: Glyph Lefkowitz
# V0.2.1

# General Usage:
#  1. Source this file at the end of your bash profile so as not to interfere
#     with anything else that's using PROMPT_COMMAND.
#  2. Add any precmd or preexec functions by appending them to their arrays:
#       e.g.
#       precmd_functions+=(my_precmd_function)
#       precmd_functions+=(some_other_precmd_function)
#       preexec_functions+=(my_preexec_function)
#  3. If you have anything that's using the Debug Trap, change it to use
#     preexec. (Optional) change anything using PROMPT_COMMAND to now use
#     precmd instead.
#  Note: This module requires two bash features which you must not otherwise be
#  using: the "DEBUG" trap, and the "PROMPT_COMMAND" variable. prexec_and_precmd_install
#  will override these and if you override one or the other this will most likely break.

# Avoid duplicate inclusion
if [[ "$__bp_imported" == "defined" ]]; then
    return 0

# Remove ignorespace and or replace ignoreboth from HISTCONTROL
# so we can accurately invoke preexec with a command from our
# history even if it starts with a space.
__bp_adjust_histcontrol() {
    local histcontrol
    # Replace ignoreboth with ignoredups
    if [[ "$histcontrol" == *"ignoreboth"* ]]; then
    export HISTCONTROL="$histcontrol"

# This variable describes whether we are currently in "interactive mode";
# i.e. whether this shell has just executed a prompt and is waiting for user
# input.  It documents whether the current command invoked by the trace hook is
# run interactively by the user; it's set immediately after the prompt hook,
# and unset as soon as the trace hook is run.

__bp_trim_whitespace() {
    local var=$@
    var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}"   # remove leading whitespace characters
    var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}"   # remove trailing whitespace characters
    echo -n "$var"

# This function is installed as part of the PROMPT_COMMAND;
# It sets a variable to indicate that the prompt was just displayed,
# to allow the DEBUG trap to know that the next command is likely interactive.
__bp_interactive_mode() {

# This function is installed as part of the PROMPT_COMMAND.
# It will invoke any functions defined in the precmd_functions array.
__bp_precmd_invoke_cmd() {

    # Should be available to each precmd function, should it want it.
    local ret_value="$?"

    # For every function defined in our function array. Invoke it.
    local precmd_function
    for precmd_function in ${precmd_functions[@]}; do

        # Only execute this function if it actually exists.
        if [[ -n $(type -t $precmd_function) ]]; then
            __bp_set_ret_value $ret_value

# Sets a return value in $?. We may want to get access to the $? variable in our
# precmd functions. This is available for instance in zsh. We can simulate it in bash
# by setting the value here.
__bp_set_ret_value() {
    return $1

__bp_in_prompt_command() {

    local prompt_command_array
    IFS=';' read -ra prompt_command_array <<< "$PROMPT_COMMAND"

    local trimmed_arg
    trimmed_arg=$(__bp_trim_whitespace "$1")

    local prompt_command_function
    for command in "${prompt_command_array[@]}"; do
        local trimmed_command
        trimmed_command=$(__bp_trim_whitespace "$command")
        # Only execute each function if it actually exists.
        if [[ "$trimmed_command" == "$trimmed_arg" ]]; then
            return 0

    return 1

# This function is installed as the DEBUG trap.  It is invoked before each
# interactive prompt display.  Its purpose is to inspect the current
# environment to attempt to detect if the current command is being invoked
# interactively, and invoke 'preexec' if so.
__bp_preexec_invoke_exec() {

    if [[ -n "$COMP_LINE" ]]
        # We're in the middle of a completer.  This obviously can't be
        # an interactively issued command.
    if [[ -z "$__bp_preexec_interactive_mode" ]]
        # We're doing something related to displaying the prompt.  Let the
        # prompt set the title instead of me.
        # If we're in a subshell, then the prompt won't be re-displayed to put
        # us back into interactive mode, so let's not set the variable back.
        # In other words, if you have a subshell like
        #   (sleep 1; sleep 2)
        # You want to see the 'sleep 2' as a set_command_title as well.
        if [[ 0 -eq "$BASH_SUBSHELL" ]]

    if  __bp_in_prompt_command "$BASH_COMMAND"; then
        # If we're executing something inside our prompt_command then we don't
        # want to call preexec. Bash prior to 3.1 can't detect this at all :/


    local this_command="$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= history 1 | sed -e "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g")";

    # Sanity check to make sure we have something to invoke our function with.
    if [[ -z "$this_command" ]]; then

    # If none of the previous checks have returned out of this function, then
    # the command is in fact interactive and we should invoke the user's
    # preexec functions.

    # For every function defined in our function array. Invoke it.
    local preexec_function
    for preexec_function in "${preexec_functions[@]}"; do

        # Only execute each function if it actually exists.
        if [[ -n $(type -t $preexec_function) ]]; then
            $preexec_function "$this_command"

# Execute this to set up preexec and precmd execution.
__bp_preexec_and_precmd_install() {

    # Make sure this is bash that's running this and return otherwise.
    if [[ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]]; then
        return 1;

    # Exit if we already have this installed.
    if [[ "$PROMPT_COMMAND" == *"__bp_precmd_invoke_cmd"* ]]; then
        return 1;

    # Adjust our HISTCONTROL Variable if needed.

    # Take our existing prompt command and append a semicolon to it
    # if it doesn't already have one.
    local existing_prompt_command

    if [[ -n "$PROMPT_COMMAND" ]]; then
        existing_prompt_command=$(echo "$PROMPT_COMMAND" | sed '/; *$/!s/$/;/')

    # Finally install our traps.
    PROMPT_COMMAND="__bp_precmd_invoke_cmd; ${existing_prompt_command} __bp_interactive_mode;"
    trap '__bp_preexec_invoke_exec' DEBUG;

    # Add two functions to our arrays for convenience
    # of definition.

# Run our install so long as we're not delaying it.
if [[ -z "$__bp_delay_install" ]]; then