%{ // In this section we can add all needed headers, from Qt or another libraries. //#include #include #include // Also, we must add the parser's header where are defined the tokens. #include "utils/vector3d.h" #include "parser-wavefront-obj.h" #define TOKEN(type) \ TOK_##type %} %option noyywrap %option prefix="wavefront_obj" %% /* Whitespace */ [ \t]+ { } /* Newline */ \n|\n\r { ++wavefront_objlineno; } /* Comment */ "#"[^\n\r]* { } /* Material library */ "mtllib" { return TOKEN(MTLLIB); } /* Use material */ "usemtl" { return TOKEN(USEMTL); } /* Named object */ "o" { return TOKEN(O); } /* Vertex */ "v" { return TOKEN(V); } /* Texture coordinate */ "vt" { return TOKEN(VT); } /* Vertex normal */ "vn" { return TOKEN(VN); } /* Parameter space vertices */ "vp" { return TOKEN(VP); } /* Face */ "f" { return TOKEN(F); } /* Smooth */ "s" { return TOKEN(S); } /* Slash */ "/" { return TOKEN(SLASH); } /* Number */ -?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)? { wavefront_objlval.number=atof(yytext); return TOKEN(NUMBER); } /* String */ [^\n\r\t ]+ { wavefront_objlval.string = strcpy((char*)malloc(strlen(yytext)), yytext); return TOKEN(STRING); } %%