# Luticate2 API Utils ## Install NuGet.Config ```xml ``` project.json ```json { ... dependencies": { "Luticate2.Utils": "0.1.*", ... } ... } ``` appsettings.json ```json { ... "ConnectionStrings": { "default": "User ID=POSTGRES_USER;Password=POSTGRES_PASSWORD;Host=POSTGRES_HOST;Port=5432;Database=POSTGRES_DB;Pooling=true;", ... } ... } ``` Startup.cs ```C# public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // ... // MUST be before addMvc() services.AddLuticateUtils(options => options.Version = "dev"); // ... services.AddDbContext(options => // Replace YourDbContext with your own database context { options.UseNpgsql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("default")); options.UseInternalServiceProvider(new ServiceCollection() .AddEntityFrameworkNpgsqlLuticate() // MUST be before AddEntityFrameworkNpgsql() .AddEntityFrameworkNpgsql() .BuildServiceProvider()); }); services.AddMvc() .AddLuticateUtils(); // ... } public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { // ... // MUST be before useMvc() app.UseLuticateUtils(); // ... } ``` ## Usage See WebApiUtils for an example ## NuGet Deployment * Set version in project.json * Build package: `dotnet pack --configuration Release` * Deploy package: `nuget push -Source http://nuget.rthoni.com bin/Release/Luticate2.Utils.VERSION.nupkg`