parse(); $this->assertSame("Get all data\n", $doc->getSummary()); } public function testSimpleSummaryMultiLine() { $doc = new LuDocParser("/** * Get all data * Using the database */"); $doc->parse(); $this->assertSame("Get all data\nUsing the database\n", $doc->getSummary()); } public function testSimpleParam() { $doc = new LuDocParser('/** * Get all data * @param $myvar MyType some doc * @param MyType $myvar2 some other doc */'); $doc->parse(); $this->assertSame("Get all data\n", $doc->getSummary()); $params = []; foreach ($doc->getParams() as $param) { $params[] = $param->jsonSerialize(); } $expectedParams = [ ["Name" => '$myvar', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some doc\n", "Constraints" => []], ["Name" => '$myvar2', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some other doc\n", "Constraints" => []] ]; $this->assertSame($expectedParams, $params); } public function testSimpleParamMultiLine() { $doc = new LuDocParser('/** * Get all data * @param $myvar MyType some doc * @param MyType $myvar2 some other doc * on another line */'); $doc->parse(); $this->assertSame("Get all data\n", $doc->getSummary()); $params = []; foreach ($doc->getParams() as $name => $param) { $params[$name] = $param->jsonSerialize(); } $expectedParams = [ '$myvar' => ["Name" => '$myvar', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some doc\n", "Constraints" => []], '$myvar2' => ["Name" => '$myvar2', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some other doc\non another line\n", "Constraints" => []] ]; $this->assertSame($expectedParams, $params); } public function testAll() { $doc = new LuDocParser('/** * Get all data * On another line * @param $myvar MyType some doc * Too much doc * @param MyType $myvar2 some other doc * on another line * @min 42 * @max 42 * @between 0 42 * @another 1 2 42.42 true false "a string" * and another * @return AnotherType */'); $doc->parse(); $this->assertSame("Get all data\nOn another line\n", $doc->getSummary()); $this->assertSame("AnotherType", $doc->getReturnType()); $params = []; foreach ($doc->getParams() as $name => $param) { $params[$name] = $param->jsonSerialize(); } $expectedParams = [ '$myvar' => ["Name" => '$myvar', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some doc\nToo much doc\n", "Constraints" => []], '$myvar2' => ["Name" => '$myvar2', "Type" => "MyType", "Summary" => "some other doc\non another line\nand another\n", "Constraints" => [ ["Method" => "min", "Arguments" => ["42"]], ["Method" => "max", "Arguments" => ["42"]], ["Method" => "between", "Arguments" => ["0", "42"]], ["Method" => "another", "Arguments" => ["1", "2", "42.42", "true", "false", "a string"]] ] ] ]; $this->assertSame($expectedParams, $params); } }