array( "namespace" => 'App\Http\DBO', "folder" => '../app/Http/DBO', "mode" => 0775 ), "models" => array( "namespace" => 'App\Http\DataAccess\Models', "folder" => '../app/Http/DataAccess/Models', "mode" => 0775 ), "sp" => array( "namespace" => 'App\Http\DataAccess\SP', "folder" => '../app/Http/DataAccess/SP', "mode" => 0775 ), "dataaccess" => array( "namespace" => 'App\Http\DataAccess', "folder" => '../app/Http/DataAccess', "mode" => 0775 ), "business" => array( "namespace" => 'App\Http\Business', "folder" => '../app/Http/Business', "mode" => 0775 ) ); /** * @return array */ public function getConfig() { return $this->_config; } /** * @param array $config */ public function setConfig($config) { $this->_config = $config; } public function __construct($db_connection, $db_database, $db_host, $db_port, $db_username, $db_password) { $dsn = $db_connection . ":dbname=" . $db_database . ";host=" . $db_host . ";port=" . $db_port; $this->_pdo = new PDO($dsn, $db_username, $db_password); } protected function printError($query, $message) { echo $message . "\n"; var_dump($query->errorInfo()); var_dump($this->_pdo->errorInfo()); return null; } protected function buildTwigVars($vars) { foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) $vars[$key] = $this->buildTwigVars($value); else if (is_string($value)) { $vars[$key] = array( "as_it" => $value, "camel_upper" => $this->snakeToCamelCase($value, true), "camel_lower" => $this->snakeToCamelCase($value, false) ); } } return $vars; } protected function buildTwig($templateFile, $destFile, $vars) { $twig_vars = $this->buildTwigVars($vars); Twig_Autoloader::register(); $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__ ); $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array()); $template = $twig->loadTemplate($templateFile . '.twig'); $content = $template->render($twig_vars); file_put_contents($destFile, $content); } public function getTables() { $tablesQuery = $this->_pdo->prepare("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')"); if ($tablesQuery->execute(array())) { $tables = $tablesQuery->fetchAll(); echo "Found " . count($tables) . " tables\n"; return $tables; } else return $this->printError($tablesQuery, "Failed to get tables"); } public function getColumns($table_name) { $columnsQuery = $this->_pdo->prepare("SELECT column_name as name, data_type as data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = :table_name"); if ($columnsQuery->execute(array(":table_name" => $table_name))) { $columns = $columnsQuery->fetchAll(); echo "Found " . count($columns) . " columns in table " . $table_name . "\n"; return $columns; } else return $this->printError($columnsQuery, "Failed to get columns from " . $table_name); } function snakeToCamelCase($string, $capitalizeFirstCharacter) { $str = preg_replace_callback("/_[a-zA-Z]/", function($matches) { return strtoupper($matches[0][1]); }, $string); if ($capitalizeFirstCharacter) $str[0] = strtoupper($str[0]); return $str; } public function sqlTypeToPhpType($type) { if ($type == "character" || $type == "character varying") return "string"; return $type; } public function sqlTypesToPhpTypes($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key]["data_type"] = array( "sql" => $array[$key]["data_type"], "php" => $this->sqlTypeToPhpType($array[$key]["data_type"]) ); } return $array; } public function generateDbo($name, $columns, $file) { $vars = array( "dbo_name" => $name, "columns" => $columns ); $this->buildTwig('dbo.php', $file, $vars); } public function generateModel($modelName, $dboName, $columns, $file) { $vars = array( "model_name" => $modelName, "dbo_name" => $dboName, "columns" => $columns ); $this->buildTwig('model.php', $file, $vars); } public function getStoredProcedures() { $spQuery = $this->_pdo->prepare("SELECT r.routine_name AS sp_name, r.data_type AS data_type, proc.proretset AS proretset FROM information_schema.routines r LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc proc ON proc.proname = r.routine_name WHERE r.specific_schema='public'"); if ($spQuery->execute()) { $sp = $spQuery->fetchAll(); echo "Found " . count($sp) . " stored procedures\n"; return $sp; } else return $this->printError($spQuery, "Failed to get stored procedures"); } public function getStoredProceduresArguments($sp) { $sp_name = $sp["sp_name"]; $spQuery = $this->_pdo->prepare("SELECT parameters.parameter_name as name, parameters.data_type, parameters.parameter_mode FROM information_schema.routines JOIN information_schema.parameters ON routines.specific_name=parameters.specific_name WHERE routines.specific_schema='public' AND routines.routine_name = :sp_name ORDER BY parameters.ordinal_position;"); if ($spQuery->execute(array("sp_name" => $sp_name))) { $sp_ = $spQuery->fetchAll(); $sps = array("in" => array(), "out" => array()); foreach ($sp_ as $p) $sps[strtolower($p["parameter_mode"])][] = $p; $out_count = count($sps['out']); if ($out_count == 0) { $sps['out'][] = array( "name" => $sp_name, "data_type" => $sp["data_type"], "parameter_mode" => "OUT" ); $out_count = 1; } echo "Found " . count($sps['in']) . " input arguments for stored procedure " . $sp_name . "\n"; echo "Found " . $out_count . " output arguments for stored procedure " . $sp_name . "\n"; return $sps; } else return $this->printError($spQuery, "Failed to get arguments for stored procedure " . $sp_name); } public function generateSp($sp, $args, $file) { $vars = array( "sp" => $sp, "args" => $args ); $this->buildTwig('sp.php', $file, $vars); } public function generateDataAccess($dataAccessName, $modelName, $dboName, $file) { if (file_exists($file)) return; $vars = array( "data_access_name" => $dataAccessName, "model_name" => $modelName, "dbo_name" => $dboName ); $this->buildTwig('dataaccess.php', $file, $vars); } public function generateBusiness($businessName, $dataAccessName, $dboName, $file) { if (file_exists($file)) return; $vars = array( "business_name" => $businessName, "data_access_name" => $dataAccessName, "dbo_name" => $dboName ); $this->buildTwig('business.php', $file, $vars); } public function mkdir($dir, $dir_mode) { if (!file_exists($dir)) mkdir($dir, $dir_mode, true); } public function run() { $dbo_dir = $this->_config["dbo"]["folder"] . "/"; $model_dir = $this->_config["models"]["folder"] . "/"; $sp_dir = $this->_config["sp"]["folder"] . "/"; $manager_dir = $this->_config["dataaccess"]["folder"] . "/"; $business_dir = $this->_config["business"]["folder"] . "/"; $this->mkdir($dbo_dir, $this->_config["dbo"]["mode"]); $this->mkdir($model_dir, $this->_config["models"]["mode"]); $this->mkdir($sp_dir, $this->_config["sp"]["mode"]); $this->mkdir($manager_dir, $this->_config["dataaccess"]["mode"]); $this->mkdir($business_dir, $this->_config["business"]["mode"]); $tables = $this->getTables(); if (!is_null($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $table_name = $table["table_name"]; $columns = $this->getColumns($table_name); if (is_null($columns)) continue; $columns = $this->sqlTypesToPhpTypes($columns); $baseName = $this->snakeToCamelCase($table_name, true); $modelName = $baseName; $dboName = $baseName . "Dbo"; $dataAccessName = $baseName . "DataAccess"; $businessName = $baseName . "Business"; $this->generateDbo($dboName, $columns, $dbo_dir . $dboName . ".php"); $this->generateModel($modelName, $dboName, $columns, $model_dir . $modelName . ".php"); $this->generateDataAccess($dataAccessName, $modelName, $dboName, $manager_dir . $dataAccessName . ".php"); $this->generateBusiness($businessName, $dataAccessName, $dboName, $business_dir . $businessName . ".php"); } } $sps = $this->getStoredProcedures(); if (!is_null($sps)) { foreach ($sps as $sp) { $sp_name = $sp["sp_name"]; $args = $this->getStoredProceduresArguments($sp); if (is_null($args)) continue; $args["in"] = $this->sqlTypesToPhpTypes($args["in"]); $args["out"] = $this->sqlTypesToPhpTypes($args["out"]); $sp_model_name = $this->snakeToCamelCase($sp_name, true); $this->generateSp($sp, $args, $sp_dir . $sp_model_name . ".php"); } } } }